Xbox One Guides Archives - GamersHeroes Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:33:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Xbox One Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 32 32 How To Reach Informed Wisdom In Metaphor: ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:31:11 +0000 Informed Wisdom is a requirement for purifying items at St. Fermis Church in Metaphor: ReFantazio. As you are able to reach the church early in the game, before you can raise your Royalty Values, this requirement may be somewhat confusing. If you defeated the infamous dragon battle, and unlocked the impressive loot, it’s very likely …

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Informed Wisdom is a requirement for purifying items at St. Fermis Church in Metaphor: ReFantazio. As you are able to reach the church early in the game, before you can raise your Royalty Values, this requirement may be somewhat confusing.

If you defeated the infamous dragon battle, and unlocked the impressive loot, it’s very likely that you’re going to want to reach Informed Wisdom as quickly as possible, to purify the dragon’s weapon.

Thankfully, you are able to do this relatively quickly, beginning around the 06/12 Watersday time in-game. This is when you unlock the ability to roam around the city and complete Requests, side events, etc.

Informed Wisdom is basically your Wisdom Royalty Virtue at level 2, and it begins at level 1. So you need to do tasks to increase your Wisdom to level 2. This is very easily done in Grand Trad, on Sunlumeo Street.

Just outside of the Lycaon Magic Assocation, there is a bench. It’s marked on the map by the Wisdom icon. You can rest on this bench to pass time and also earn some Wisdom points. A couple of times should be enough to reach level 2.

At this point in the story, you have nearly 10 days to complete the main objective, which is plenty of time to do all the Requests in the area and sit on the bench a couple of times.

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What Do You Get For Defeating The Dragon In Metaphor: ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:31:09 +0000 There is a hidden boss battle in the Nord Mines right near the beginning of Metaphor: ReFantazio, a battle against a powerful dragon. It’s a tough fight, but is it worth the loot? Short answer, yes. Most definitely, do not miss it, that’s the level of loot you receive for this stage of the game. …

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There is a hidden boss battle in the Nord Mines right near the beginning of Metaphor: ReFantazio, a battle against a powerful dragon. It’s a tough fight, but is it worth the loot?

Short answer, yes. Most definitely, do not miss it, that’s the level of loot you receive for this stage of the game. There are two different elements of reward for this battle. Firstly, the immediate rewards for defeating the dragon and, secondly, the rewards for raiding the dragon’s nest after the battle.

For defeating the dragon, you obtain the following:

Experience Points: 263
Archetype XP: 210
MAG: 1,000
Money: 1,000
Spoils: 1x Amethyst

Which isn’t bad. You get some good cash and experience points, but the real treasure is from looting the dragon’s nest. There you will find:

Grand Iron: 1
Glossy Fur: 1
Onyx: 1
Dragon’s Indignation

You want to pay special attention to that final item, the Dragon’s Indignation. This is a very powerful Epic Greatsword with 111 Attack and 95 Hit. To put that into perspective, the best Greatsword you can obtain up to this point is 80 Attack.

An image showing the stats of the Dragon's Indignation before purification

The weapon can also be enhanced further through the Purification Process. To Purify the Dragon’s Indignation, you need to find a church. The earliest church you can find is located in Grand Trad, which is accessible on 06/11 Flamesday, just before the King’s funeral.

Once purified, the sword becomes X.

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Metaphor: ReFantazio Purification Guide Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:31:06 +0000 The Purification Process is a fantastic method to greatly increase the power of many weapons and items you can discover in Metaphor: ReFantazio, but it can be a complicated process at first. Even as early as the very first dungeon, the Mines, you can find items that can be enhanced through Purification. Most notable, the …

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The Purification Process is a fantastic method to greatly increase the power of many weapons and items you can discover in Metaphor: ReFantazio, but it can be a complicated process at first.

Even as early as the very first dungeon, the Mines, you can find items that can be enhanced through Purification. Most notable, the epic Greatsword that can be obtained if you defeat the Dragon boss battle.

What Does Purifying Items Do

An image showing a weapon before and after purification

Purifying items greatly increases their power, usually in a number of different ways. For example, the Dragons Indignation Greatsword that you can find in one of the first dungeons, increases both stats and adds an effect.

The original version boasts 111 Attack and 95 Hit. If purified, it increases to 144 Attack, 95 Hit, and adds Fire affinity to all attacks. Each weapon is unique in how it upgrades, but it’s always a much stronger weapon.

Where To Purify Items

A map showing the location of St. Fermis Church where players must go to purify items

To purify items, both weapons and armor, you need to find a church. St. Fermis Church in Grand Trad can be located on Sunlumeo Street, but it is not accessible until the Afternoon on 06/11 Flamesday.

The earliest you can visit this church is just before the King’s funeral during the story. However, you will still not be able to purify items until you have reached Informed in Wisdom, one of the 5 Royal Virtues.

Where To Find Items That Need Purifying

You will find many items that require Purification on your adventure. During the Nord Mines dungeon, one of the earliest dungeons in the game, you can find at least two items.

In one of the earlier chests, you can find a Mining Uniform, an armor piece that provides 58 Defense and 2 Evade. You can also find the Dragon’s Indignation, the epic Greatsword we mentioned previously. To obtain this weapon, you need to defeat the optional dragon boss at the end of the dungeon. Once defeated, you will be able to loot the chest.

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How To Increase Royalty Virtues In Metaphor: ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:31:03 +0000 Royalty Values are an incredibly important part of the game, tied to character relationships, Archetype unlocks, and some of Metaphor: ReFantazio’s best rewards. As such, learning how and when to increase these values will lead to better rewards earlier and faster. What Are The Royalty Virtues In total, there are 5 unique Royalty Virtues in …

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Royalty Values are an incredibly important part of the game, tied to character relationships, Archetype unlocks, and some of Metaphor: ReFantazio’s best rewards. As such, learning how and when to increase these values will lead to better rewards earlier and faster.

What Are The Royalty Virtues

An image showing all 5 of the Royalty Virtues in the game

In total, there are 5 unique Royalty Virtues in the game. Each Royalty Virtue is linked to specific actions in the game. For example, you will need a certain level of Wisdom to Purify weapons and armor. You will need certain Royalty Virtues to unlock specific Archetypes.

Below is a list of each Royalty Virtue and how they are represented in-game

Courage: Marked by a sword icon
Wisdom: Marked by the magnifying glass icon
Tolerance: Marked by the hands holding a heart icon
Eloquence: Marked by the head silhouette icon
Imagination: Marked by the head with an idea icon

World Events

When you are exploring the game world, you will often see icons on the map. These icons represent the different Royalty Virtues. The map icons correspond with the icons shown on the Royalty Virtues screen. For example, Courage world events will be marked by the sword icon.

Almost all of these World Events will require some level of commitment from the player. It’s typically in the form of donating an item or some money, but other forms can be present also.

It’s also worth noting that nearly all of these World Events have a time cost. Typically, in exchange for raising one of your Royalty Virtues, you will need to pass the time to the next phase of the day.

As such, it’s usually best to save these World Events until you are sure you have the time to commit.


Requests are one of the best sources of Royalty Virtues, as they typically provide the best boosts. Another added bonus is that not all Requests take time, so they can be completed without the fear of missing deadlines of other quests and events.

You cannot see the rewards for Requests unless you take the quest on, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Be sure to check our Requests guide for a daily breakdown of the available Requests and their rewards.


Bounties become available after you stop the Day of Calamity in the main story, and can be accessed by speaking with the guard at the Recruitment Center. Defeating bounty targets and finishing the quest often increases Royal Virtues, specifically the Courage stat.

Helping At The Hushed Honeybee

Every night, assuming you haven’t been in a dungeon during the day, you can choose one of your activities to be helping at The Hushed Honeybee inn. Whether you choose to prepare a specific dish or just help out in general, you will earn Tolerance.

Gauntlet Runner

Once you have reached the point in the story to unlock the Gauntlet Runner, you will gain access to a variety of permanent options when it comes to increasing your Royal Virtues. Reading books, preparing meals, spending time with friends, it all builds up.

This covers most of the different methods you will use to increase your Royal Virtues, we’ll update if we discover more.

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What To Do With Golden Beetles In Metaphor ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:31:00 +0000 Golden Beetles are a rare and valuable collectible item scattered across the world of Metaphor ReFantazio. You need to find 46 Golden Beetles to claim the rewards, and then they must be delivered to a specific character. You can find Golden Beetles as early as one of the very first camps you make. However, it’s …

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Golden Beetles are a rare and valuable collectible item scattered across the world of Metaphor ReFantazio. You need to find 46 Golden Beetles to claim the rewards, and then they must be delivered to a specific character.

You can find Golden Beetles as early as one of the very first camps you make. However, it’s likely going to be 20-30 hours before you are able to claim any of the rewards.

You need to deliver the Golden Beetles to a specific character, a character called Elderly Entomophile, who can be found in Port Brilehaven.

Port Brilehaven is the third major location you visit during the story. Once you have unlocked the Port and are free to explore, you will need to unlock the Arenafront Wharf location.

To do this, simply visit any of the ferry travel points in the city and choose to travel to the Arenafront Wharf location. You can then find the Elderly Entomophile standing next t othe dock.

If you want additional information on rewards and locations, be sure to check out our Golden Beetles Guide.

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Metaphor: ReFantazio Followers Guide Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:30:59 +0000 Meeting new Followers and increasing your bond unlocks new and powerful Archetypes for the main character and party to use, a vital component if you want to progress through the game quickly and easily. In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Followers, including how to unlock them, where to find …

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Meeting new Followers and increasing your bond unlocks new and powerful Archetypes for the main character and party to use, a vital component if you want to progress through the game quickly and easily. In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Followers, including how to unlock them, where to find them, and what Archetypes they unlock.

Below is a complete list of all Followers in Metaphor: ReFantazio, and when they can be unlocked. For details on Archetypes, be sure to check out our Archetype Guide.


An image showing the stats of Follower Gallica

Gallica is unlocked through natural story progress, right near the beginning of the game. During the boss battle at the Northern Border Fort, the main character will unlock his latent ability to transform into an Archetype.

This unlocks the Mage Archetype for studying and usage.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Strohl

Strohl is unlocked as a follower through story progression. Continue with the main story, in the very early stages of the game, and you will eventually encounter the Head Guard as you and the party fight through the Nord Mines. At the end of the battle, Strohl joins as a Follower.

Unlocking Strohl unlocks the Warrior Archetype for usage and study.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Hulkenberg

Hulkenberg is another Follower who is unlocked through story progress. During the King’s Funeral story event, you will be told to ascend to the top of a tower. At the top of the tower is a boss fight, we won’t spoil the details. After that boss fight, Hulkenberg becomes a Follower.

Unlocking Hulkenberg unlocks the Knight Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of the Follower Heismay

Heismay is unlocked during story progress. He is unique compared to previous Followers as he becomes a Comrade (party member), before a Follower. Heismay joins as a Follower around 07/04, after the main story mission to rescue the children from the sewers.

Heismay unlocks the Thief Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Junah

When you reach the end of the story missions at Port Brilehaven, you will learn Junah’s true motives and she will join your party as a Follower.

Junah unlocks the Masked Dancer Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Eupha

To unlock Eupha as a Follower, you must complete the Land of Ceremony dungeon, during Trial of Malnova Request for Eupha. Eupha gives you the request once you have completed most of the story quets on the island.

Eupha unlocks the Summoner Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Basilio

Near the end of the game. I was riding the Gauntlet Rider to complete the final few bounties and Basilio was in the lower decks. I was able to speak with him to recruit him. You may need to talk with him outside of the tavern in Altabury Heights, first

Basilio unlocks the Berserker Archetype


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Neuras

During the story missions in Martira, Neuras will give you a personal request called “Providing A Spark. Once you complete this personal Request, Neuras will unlock as a Follower.

Once a Follower, Neura unlocks the Gunner Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of the Follower Maria

Following the main story, the party will eventually need to return to Grand Trad to attend the King’s funeral and attempt the assassination. When you arrive, you will be directed to The Hushed Honeybee Inn. This is where you will meet Maria.

Maria unlocks the usage and study of The Healer Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of the Follower Catherina

Meeting Catherina as a Follower can happen on a variety of dates, as it depends on when you initiate the main story. During the main story mission, The Day Of Calamity, you will meet Catherina on the way to the top of the cathedral. After completing her quest, she becomes a Follower.

Aiding Catherina unlocks the Brawler Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Alonso

Alonzo is one of the first Followers who can be missed. From around 06/29, in Martira, you can find Alonzo sitting outside of the tavern. Speaking with him begins the Request, A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake. Complete this Request to gain Alonzo as a Follower.

Once Alonzo begins to follow, he will unlock the Archetype Faker.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Bardon

Bardon is one of the few Followers you can miss, if you don’t know where to look. Once you have arrived in Port Brilehaven, around 07/23, you can return to Martira to speak with Bardon.

Once Bardon becomes a Follower, you gain access to the Commander Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower Brigitta

To unlock Brigitta as a Follower, you must complete the A Bullish Embargo Request. This Request takes place on Sunlumeo Street, from 06/12. Once the quest is complete, Brigitta becomes a Follower.

Working with Brigitta unlocks The Merchant Archetype.


An image showing the stats and abilities of Follower More

More is the first Follower you obtain through story progress. After the main character awakens in Akademeia, More will introduce himself. At this point, the main character chooses to aid More with their studies and they become friends, unlocking More as a Follower.

Unlocking More as a Follower unlocks the Seeker Archetype for study and usage.

Follower Unlock Order

Although likely to vary from player to player, this is likely to be the order in which you unlock each Follower and subsequently, their Archetype.

  • More
  • Gallica
  • Strohl
  • Maria
  • Hulkenberg
  • Catherina
  • Brigitta
  • Heismay
  • Neuras
  • Alonzo
  • Bardon
  • Junah
  • Eupha
  • Basilio

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How To Rank Up Followers In Metaphor: ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:30:55 +0000 Supporter and Follower Ranks unlock new Archetypes, new abilities, and new quests. As such, it’s vital to level up your Followers as quickly as possible in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Each Follower is closely linked to one of the many Archetypes in the game. As such, if you want to unlock more advanced Archetypes of a specific …

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Supporter and Follower Ranks unlock new Archetypes, new abilities, and new quests. As such, it’s vital to level up your Followers as quickly as possible in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Each Follower is closely linked to one of the many Archetypes in the game. As such, if you want to unlock more advanced Archetypes of a specific tree, you will need to focus on nurturing the relationships of that Follower to unlock the new Archetype.


The exact time and date Bond events become available may be slightly different, depending on your progress in other areas of the game. However, there is a quick and easy method to check what Followers are available to increase Rank.

When exploring the game world, press Y to speak with Gallica and then choose the Supporters option. You can then navigate the list of Followers and see which ones have a red handshake icon.

You can then select that Follower to immediately fast travel to their location.

Below is a list of all Followers in the game, in the order they become available. You can then navigate to each Rank and learn the requirements to increase it.


Below is a list of the dates and locations the bond events became available during our playthrough. However, these are likely tied to other aspects as well.

If you reach a date listed below and the bond event is not available, try focusing on related tasks for that character. For example, completing any quests they may have given you, or increasing your Royal Virtues.

Most Bonds are tied to time and Royal Virtues


Rank 2: After the King’s Funeral, when Gallica and the main character speak in the bedroom of The Hushed Honeybee
Rank 3: After finishing all story events in Martira
Rank 4: After you clear the infiltration route, in the story mission, in Port Brilehaven.
Rank 5: After finishing the story in Port Brilehaven.
Rank 6: Shortly after finishing the Dragon Temple in the story
Rank 7: Right before the final battle in the story
Rank 8: After unlocking the final Archetype in the story


Rank 2: Complete More’s quest to increase the Healer Archetype to Level 10
Rank 3: Complete More’s quest to unlock the Gunner Archetype
Rank 4: Complete More’s quest to raise the Merchant Archetype to level 15 on any character
Rank 5: Complete More’s quest to unlock a total of 15 Archetypes
Rank 6: Complete More’s quest to raise the General Archetype to level 15
Rank 7: Complete More’s quest to unlock 25 different Archetypes
Rank 8: Complete More’s final Request and master an Elite Archetype


Rank 2: Complete Bond event in Grand Trad from 06/16 onward
Rank 3: Complete Bond event aboard the Gauntlet Runner from 06/29
Rank 4: Complete Bond Event in The Greatest Catch Tavern in Port Brilehaven from 07/23 onward
Rank 5: Complete Bond event aboard the Gauntlet Runner at night from 07/27
Rank 6: Complete Bond event aboard the Gauntlet Runner during the day from 07/29
Rank 7: 08/25, complete the Bond event. Requires 4 Wisdom
Rank 8: 08/28, aboard the Gauntlet Runner during the trip to


Rank 2: Complete Bond event in Grand Trad from 06/17 onward
Rank 3: Complete Bond event in Grand Trad from 06/21 onward
Rank 4: Complete Bond event aboard the Gauntlet Runner from 07/27 onwards. During side quests near the port.
Rank 5: Speak with Strohl in Port Brilehaven around 08/02
Rank 6: Complete Strohl’s Request A Noble’s Legacy
Rank 7: Speak with Strohl on 08/19 at Village of Pagans.
Rank 8: Around 08/25, Strohl will want to speak for his last Rank increase


Rank 2: Complete Bond event at The Hushed Honeybee 06/30 onward. Requires Level 2 Tolerance
Rank 3: After visiting the Midnight Sands point of interest on the World Map during the story. Complete Maria’s Bond event.
Rank 4: Around 07/11 Maria was available for another Bond event
Rank 5: Immediately after the previous event, on 07/13, Maria was available for another Bond event
Rank 6: After you visit the City Ruins on the road to Port Brilehaven in the story and Peregrine Falls, North of the Port, during side quests.
Rank 7: Was a long wait for this one. This was 09/15, toward the end of the game. During the day Bond event. Requires 4 Tolerance. After visiting all of the places of interests in and around the islands
Rank 8: Around 09/17, after visiting the Solstice Crossing.


Rank 2: 07/01, during the story mission to claim the human bounty target. Defeat Catherina.
Rank 3: During the story, Catherina will attack again on the road to Port Brilehaven. Defeat her to increase her Rank.
Rank 4: Defeat Catherina on the Gauntlet Runner near Port Brilehaven
Rank 5: Around 09/13 Catherina was available to Bond but only during the night
Rank 6: 10/01, Catherina was available at night. Requires 5 Tolerance
Rank 7: 10/11, another meeting with Catherina. Requires 5 Wisdom
Rank 8: 10/12 Catherina’s final meeting


Rank 2: Around 07/05, Brigitta called to me at Martira tavern. Return to her at Grand Trad and complete the Bond event. Only available at night.
Rank 3: Around 07/12, Brigitta was available for another Bond event at night.
Rank 4: Around 07/23, Brigitta will be available for another Bond event at night
Rank 5: Around 08/02, again only available at night. Requires 3 Courage
Rank 6: Speak with Brigitta again around 08/04 at night for the next Rank increase.
Rank 7: Around 08/26, you can speak to Brigitta at night again. Requires 4 Courage
Rank 8: Around 09/26, 5 Requires 5 Courage


Rank 2: Find the artifact in Man-Eaters Grotto, part of the Man-Eater In The Mine Bounty
Rank 3: Find the artifact in Tomb of Lament, part of the Grieving Ghost of the Goblet Bounty
Rank 4: Find the artifact in Scoundrel’s Hold, during The Greater One-Eye Scoundrel Bounty
Rank 5: The Land of Ceremony dungeon in The Trial of Malnova Request for Eupha, locate the artifact
Rank 6: Everfrost Forest dungeon, collect the artifact for Neuras during The Fiend in the Frozen Forest Bounty.
Rank 7: Mt. Vulkano, it’s a dungeon available during the Wayward Shepherd Request and The Edge of Glory Bounty.
Rank 8: Complete Neuras’s Request Petty Thief


Rank 2: 07/23 Complete the Bond event with Heismay. Requires 2 Eloquence
Rank 3: 07/25 Complete the Bond event with Heismay
Rank 4: 08/03 Speak with Heismay aboard the Gauntlet Runner at night. I had just finished his book.
Rank 5: Around 08/20, the next time you go on a sea voyage to a quest location
Rank 6: Around 08/24 after winning the first arena battle, Heismay wanted to talk at night.
Rank 7: On the night of 09/13, Heismay had another Bond event. Requires 4 Imagination
Rank 8: On a road trip after 09/14, Heismay’s final Bond event is unlocked


Rank 2: Complete Bardon’s Bond event on 07/26
Rank 3: Complete Bardon’s Bond event on 08/02
Rank 4: Complete Bardon’s Bond event on 08/04
Rank 5: Complete Bardon’s Bond event on 08/07. Requires 3 Eloquence
Rank 6: Another Bond event on 08/09
Rank 7: Complete Bardon’s Request, The Right To Rule
Rank 8: Around 09/30 Bardon was available. I had all of my Royal Virtues maxed by this point


Rank 2: On the night of 07/26, I was able to speak with Alonzo to increase rank. Requires 3 Wisdom
Rank 3: Around 08/04, once again at night, Alonzo requested a meeting.
Rank 4: Another meeting on 08/07 at night. Requires 3 Tolerance
Rank 5: 08/09 evening at the tavern, another message from Alonzo to meet.
Rank 6: Alonzo will contact you around 08/11, this time during the day
Rank 7: Around 09/15, Alonzo will be available to Bond at night. Requires Courage 5
Rank 8: 09/18 Alonzo was available for another Bond night meet


Rank 2: Around 08/22 on Virga Island. Junah will reach out for a Bond event
Rank 3: On 08/30, at night, Junah will be available to talk on the Gauntlet Runner
Rank 4: Likely available a lot earlier but Junah had another Bond event on 09/19, aboard the Gauntlet Runner
Rank 5: Evening of 09/22, Junah will be available again. Requires 4 Imagination
Rank 6: Around 09/26, board the Gauntlet Runner.
Rank 7: Night of 09/30, Junah was available
Rank 8: Night of 10/02, Junah’s final Bond event


Rank 2: Around 09/13 in Altabury Heights, Eupha will want her first Bond event.
Rank 3: 09/15, Eupha reaches out for another Bond event
Rank 4: Around 09/22, Eupha will be available again
Rank 5: Eupha was available from 09/24 onwards
Rank 6: Another Bond event with Eupha becomes available 10/03. Requires 4 Eloquence
Rank 7: 10/05 onwards, Requires 5 Wisdom and complete Eupha’s Request Wayward Shepherd
Rank 8: 10/13 during a road trip on the Gauntlet Runner


Rank 2: 10/01 Basilio was available for a talk
Rank 3: 10/02 Next Basilio event. As Basilio is recruited so late, it’s very likely you will have all of the Royal Virtues to progress quickly.
Rank 4: 10/04, this Bond event takes place while traveling on the Gauntlet Runner
Rank 5: 10/06 the next day time free time, Basilio Bond event is available
Rank 6: 10/10, another daytime meeting with Basilio. Requires 5 Imagination
Rank 7: 10/12 Meet with Basilio during the daytime.
Rank 8: Complete Basilio’s Request, A Brother’s Mercy, and requires 5 Eloquence

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How To Unlock All Archetypes In Metaphor: ReFantazio Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:30:53 +0000 Archetypes are powerful entities that unlock unique skills and abilities for the characters in Metaphor: ReFantazio. In this guide, we break down how to unlock each of the Archetypes in the game, so you can be sure you don’t miss any on your adventure. Archetypes play an important role in Metaphor: ReFantazio. They act as …

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Archetypes are powerful entities that unlock unique skills and abilities for the characters in Metaphor: ReFantazio. In this guide, we break down how to unlock each of the Archetypes in the game, so you can be sure you don’t miss any on your adventure.

Archetypes play an important role in Metaphor: ReFantazio. They act as the class system for the characters in your party. Each Archetype features a selection of skills and abilities, as well as a preferred weapon type and combat style.

Below is a list of all Archetypes in the game and how they are unlocked. They are listed in the order of which they can be obtained, but obviously this varies depending on play style.

Archetype NameAssociated CharacterHow To Unlock
SeekerMoreComplete the Archetype introductory tutorial in the story
MageGallicaDefeat the boss at the Northern Border Fort in the story
WarriorStrohlDefeat the head guard in Nord Mines in the story
HealerMariaAfter returning to Grand Trad, speak with Maria at The Hushed Honeybee in the story
KnightHulkenbergAfter you tell Hulkenberg the prince is alive, during the story
BrawlerCatherinaComplete The Day Of Calamity story mission where you meet Catherina
MerchantBrigittaComplete Request A Bullish Embargo 06/12, Grand Trad
ThiefHeismayComplete the story mission to rescue the children on 07/04
GunnerNeurasComplete Neuras’s Request Providing A Spark
FakerAlonsoComplete A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake Request around 06/29
CommanderBardon07/23 Return to Martira and speak with Bardon
Masked DancerJunahComplete the story at Port Brilehaven
SummonerEpuhaComplete Trial of Malnova Request for Eupha
BerserkerBasilioNear the end of the game. Recruit Basilio as a Follower. Warrior, Brawler, and Knight Rank 10
All of the basic Archetypes in the game and how they are unlocked
Adept ArchetypesRequired FollowerHow To Unlock
Wizard (Mage Tree)Gallica Rank 3Mage Rank 20
Mage Seeker (Seeker Tree)More Rank 3Seeker Rank 20
Cleric (Healer Tree)Maria Rank 3Healer Rank 20
Pugilist (Brawler Tree)Catherina Rank 3Brawler Rank 20
Magic Knight (Knight Tree)Hulkenberg Rank 3Knight Level 20, Mage Level 10
Swordmaster (Warrior Tree)Strohl Rank 3Warrior Rank 20
Assassin (Thief Tree)Heismay Rank 3Thief Rank 20
Sniper (Gunner Tree)Neuras Rank 3Gunner Rank 20, Seeker Rank 10
General (Commander Tree)Bardon Rank 3Commander Rank 20
All of the Adept Archetypes in the game, and how to unlock them
Elite ArchetypesRequired FollowerHow To Unlock
Samurai (Warrior Tree)Strohl Rank 7Swordmaster Rank 20, General Rank 10
Paladin (Knight Tree)Hulkenberg Rank 7Magic Knight Rank 20
Dark Knight (Knight Tree)Hulkenberg Rank 7Magic Knight Rank 20, Wizard Rank 10
Soul Hacker (Seeker Tree)More Rank 7Magic Seeker Rank 20
Ninja (Thief Tree)Heismay Rank 7Assassin Rank 20, Sniper Rank 10
Saviour (Healer Tree)Maria Rank 8Cleric Rank 20
Trickster (Faker Tree)Alonzo Rank 8Faker Rank 20
Warlock (Wizard Tree)Gallica 8Wizard Rank 20, Assassin Rank 10
Elemental Master (Wizard Tree)Gallica 8Wizard Rank 20
Persona Master (Masked Dancer Tree)Junah Rank 6Masked Dancer Rank 20, Faker Rank 10
Tycoon (Merchant Tree)Brigitta Rank 8Merchant Rank 20, Commander Rank 10
Warlord (Commander Tree)Bardon Rank 8General Rank 20
Destroyer (Berserker Tree)Basilio Rank 6Berserker Rank 20
Devil Summoner (Summoner Tree)Eupha Rank 6Summoner Rank 20, Magic Seeker Rank 10
Dragoon (Gunner Tree)Neuras Rank 8Sniper Rank 20, Mage Rank 10
Martial Artist (Brawler Tree)Catherina Rank 8Pugilist Rank 20
PrinceN/AEnd Of Story
A list of all Elite Archetypes and how to unlock them

There is also a unique, single Archetype for each of the playable characters. These are unlocked when the characters reach Bond Level 8. I will not list the requirements here to avoid spoilers, but it will appear at the top middle of the Archetype Tree, once unlocked.

Archetypes are closely linked to the comrades your character can encounter during the game. For more details, check out our Follower Guide.

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Metaphor: ReFantazio Requests Guide Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:30:52 +0000 Time is limited in Metaphor: ReFantazio, so knowing what Requests to do is vital for getting the best rewards. In this Requests Guide, we break down all the Requests we discovered in the game with information on where to find them, what the rewards are, and how to increase your Royal Virtues. Due to the …

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Time is limited in Metaphor: ReFantazio, so knowing what Requests to do is vital for getting the best rewards. In this Requests Guide, we break down all the Requests we discovered in the game with information on where to find them, what the rewards are, and how to increase your Royal Virtues.

Due to the time restraints of many parts of Metaphor: ReFantazio, it’s very easy to miss incredibly valuable rewards by skipping or missing certain Requests.

Below is a list of all the Requests we’ve found in the game. They are arranged by date, depending on when we first discovered them, and the rewards. This will allow you to better manage your time in-game, ensuring you don’t miss key Requests. We also include whether they have deadlines.


Certain Requests cause time to move forward. This means your game will progress to the next time phase. Sometimes this can cause dangerous problems when trying to meet other Requests’ deadlines.

As such, we have marked all the quests that pass time by an * icon. It’s best to save these until you are confident you can complete them safely.

Date: 06/12

Request Name: Pagan’s Dilemma (Deadline: 06/17)
Outside The Hushed Honeybee Inn
Increases Tolerance, Rusted Accessory

Request Name: Help The Hushed Honeybee (Deadline: 06/19)
Location: Sunlumeo Street (Young Nidia)
Reward: Magla Pill x3, Increases Wisdom, 2,000

Request Name: A Bullish Embargo*
Location: Sunlumeo Street (Igniter Merchantess. Requires Level 2 Wisdom)
Reward: Pious Igniter, 7,500 money, Increases Courage

Date: 06/29

Request Name: Hatching A Plan* (Deadline: 07/11)
Location: Thoroughfare Square, Martira
Reward: Invincible Noodles, 7,500 money

Request Name: Skullduggery* (Deadline 07/30)
Location: Grand Trad, Catacombs Entrance
Reward: 1x Brigadine, 3,000 money

Request Name: A Haunted Heirloom* (Deadline 07/30)
Location: Gran Trad, Sunlumeo Street (can be completed at the same time as Skullduggery to save time)
Reward: 1x Sandglass Cuirass, Increases Courage, 4,000 money

Request Name: A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake*
Location: Martira, Thoroughfare Square (Requires Level 2 Imagination)
Reward: Grius’s Memento, Increases Courage, 1,500 money

Date: 07/23

Request Name: Soldier’s Solace*
Location: Port Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square
Reward: 1x Dragonblood Sap, 30,000 money

Request Name: Deeds And Diversions*
Location: Port Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square
Reward: 1x Chef’s Toque, 10,000 money

Request Name: Efflorescent Youth (Deadline 08/10)
Location: Port Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street
Reward: Increases Tolerance, 4,000 money

Request Name: Dental Distress* (Deadline: 08/09)
Location: Port Brilehaven, Seabreeze Street
Reward: 15,000 money

Request Name: Superior Scrimshaw*
Location: Port Brilehaven, Merchants’ Bazaar
Reward: Increases Courage, 25,000 money

Request Name: The Chalice vs. The Brew*
Location: Port Brilehaven, Arenafront Wharf
Reward: 1x Miraculous Mead, 7,500 money

Date: 08/19

Request Name: Peak Curiosity
Location: Village of Pagans, Inn Well
Reward: x3 Hero’s Jewelled Root, Increases Courage, 90,000 money

Request Name: The Price Of Hope*
Location: Village of Pagans, Outside Golden Deer Hearth
Reward: 1x Gleaming Crystal, Increases Wisdom, 15,000 money

Date: 08/20

Request Name: A Guiding Gift (Deadline: 08/30)
Location: Village of Pagans, Inn Well
Reward: Passionate Wraps, 33,750 money

Request Name: Save The Mourning Snakes
Location: Village of Pagans, Dragon Statue Square. After the Potion Blight quest
Reward: Increases Imagination

Date: 08/24

Request Name: Defeat The Coliseum Monster*
Location: Arenafront Wharf
Reward: 37,500 money

Date: 08/30

Request Name: The Trial Of Malnova*
Location: Virga Island, Inn Well (After clearing The Dragon Temple)
Reward: Increases Wisdom

Date: 09/13

Request Name: Warmth In Winter
Location: Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street
Reward: Mountaineer Gloves, Increases Tolerance, 37,500 money

Request Name: Proof Of Power*
Location: Altabury Heights, Opera House Square
Reward: Increases Courage, 82,500 money

Date: 09/14

Request Name: Defeat Milo*
Location: Altabury Heights, Dia Franco Street. Speak with Loveless and then defeat him on his Gauntlet Rider, then return to get this Request.
Reward: Sumptuous Magla Feast, 60,000 money

Request Name: The Queen Of Cuisine: Heart
Location: Martira, inside Visca Alba Tavern
Reward: 1x Limp Goldfish, 1x Brocaded Koi

Date: 09/26

Request Name: The Edge of Glory*
Location: Grand Trad, Sunshade Row
Reward: Legendary Greatsword (Beloved Greatsword, Purple Weapon), Increases Wisdom, 45,000 money

Request Name: The Queen Of Cuisine: Soul
Location: Grand Trad, Sunlumeo Street
Reward: x1 Lord Of The Lake, Increases Eloquence, 33,700 money

Request Name: Trial Of The Dragon: Mad Mischief*
Location: Port Brilehaven, Angler’s Inn Square

Request Name: Trial Of The Dragon: Heroes Rest*
Location: Virga Island, Dragon Statue Plaza

Request Name: Trial Of The Dragon: Bygone Legacy*
Location: Altabury Heights, Upper Blue Sky Bridge

Request Name: Deliver Hot Spring Water*
Location: Altabury Heights, Upper Blue Sky Bridge
Reward: Almighty Panacea, 30,000 money, 1x Gold Beetle

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Metaphor ReFantazio Golden Beetles Guide Fri, 11 Oct 2024 08:30:50 +0000 Collecting Golden Beetles and delivering them to a specific character provides a constant string of rare and valuable rewards in Metaphor ReFantazio. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find each Golden Beetle, provide details on the rewards you receive, and tell you what to do with them. What Are Golden Beetles For Golden …

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Collecting Golden Beetles and delivering them to a specific character provides a constant string of rare and valuable rewards in Metaphor ReFantazio. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find each Golden Beetle, provide details on the rewards you receive, and tell you what to do with them.

What Are Golden Beetles For

Golden Beetles can be found scattered throughout the game world in Metaphor: ReFantazio. They are often hidden in dungeons and tucked away in unexplored maps of the world.

If you gather enough of them, you are able to trade them in for some incredibly valuable rewards – including one of the strongest weapons in the game:

  • 1 Golden Beetle: Arcane Dragonblood
  • 12 Golden Beetles: Venomward Charm
  • 25 Golden Beetles: Claw Breakers
  • 38 Golden Beetles: Flameseal Corselet
  • 46 Golden Beetles: Dragon’s Fall

What To Do With Golden Beetles

A map showing players the location of the NPC needed to turn Golden Beetles into rewards

Once you have gathered Golden Beetles, you need to visit Elderly Entomophile in Port Brilehaven. This is the third major city you visit in the story, and it becomes available after you complete the story events in Martira.

Once you have access to Port Brilehaven, use the ferry system to visit Arenafront Wharf. The Elderly Entomophile will be marked on the map with a small bug icon, as shown above.

Golden Beetle Locations

Golden Beetle #1 (Borderfort Camp)

A map showing where to find Golden Beetle #1

This Golden Beetle can be found right near the start of the game, when the party make camp at the Borderfort Camp.

Golden Beetle #2 Belega Corridor

Golden Beetle #3 Tradia Desert

Golden Beetle #4 Goblin’s Nest

Golden Beetle #5 Man-Eaters Grotto

Golden Beetle #5 Tomb Of Lament

Golden Beetle #6 Tomb Of Lament

Golden Beetle #7 Gracia Forest

Golden Beetle #8 Forsaken Tower

Golden Beetle #9 Dental Distress

Golden Beetle #10 Grand Trad

Golden Beetle #11 Recruitment Center

Golden Beetle #12 Merchants Bazaar

Golden Beetle #13 Port Recruitment Center

Golden Beetle #14 Cattleracket Road

Golden Beetle #15 Village of Pagans

Golden Beetle #16 Virga Islands

Golden Beetle #17 Virga Island Tower

Golden Beetle #18 Orbwise Path

Golden Beetle #19 Orbwise Path 2

Golden Beetle #20 Spire Of Blind Faith

Golden Beetle #21 Scoundrel’s Hold

Golden Beetle #22 Land Of Ceremony

Golden Beetle #23 Altabury Heights

Golden Beetle #23 Altabury Heights 2

Golden Beetle #24 Everfrost Forest

Golden Beetle #25 Tower Of Insolence

Golden Beetle #26 Abandoned Path

Golden Beetle #27 Manor Of The Ascendant

Golden Beetle #28 Deliver Hot Spring Water

Golden Beetle #29 Mt. Vulkano

Golden Beetle #30 Disgraced Ruins

Golden Beetle #31 Arenafront Wharf

Golden Beetle #32 Grand Trad 2

Golden Beetle #33 Grand Trad 3

Golden Beetle #34 Martira

Golden Beetle #35 Martira 2

Golden Beetle #36 Port Brilehaven

Golden Beetle #37 Port Brilehaven 2

Warning: There is no post-game exploration in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Once you finish the final boss battle, you can use the Save Data to start New Game+, but you cannot return to an explorable version of your original game.

As such, if you do not have a save file early enough, you will likely be pushed through the finale without the time to explore, as happened to me.

I’ll leave these up for now and hope to return to find the rest soon.

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