Pokemon Sword And Shield Guides Archives - GamersHeroes https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/pokemon-sword-and-shield-guides/ Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Fri, 22 Nov 2019 13:52:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.gamersheroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/cropped-Gamers-Heroes-Site-Icon-32x32.jpg Pokemon Sword And Shield Guides Archives - GamersHeroes https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/pokemon-sword-and-shield-guides/ 32 32 Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/best-pokemon-for-max-raid-battles-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/best-pokemon-for-max-raid-battles-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Fri, 22 Nov 2019 13:44:25 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92308 Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.

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Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.

Max Raid Battles are found in small dens scattered throughout the Wild Area. They vary in strength and rarity, up to 5 stars, with an added boost for the special versions. These can be challenging fights but the rewards can be incredible, including high IV Pokemon, tons of XP candies and even some hidden moves.

Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles

We’ve done some extensive testing and the most successful Pokemon we’ve had in Max Raid Battles is Eternatus. It’s a Pokemon you can catch right at the end of the story so if you haven’t reached that point yet, push through the story until you’ve captured Eternatus.

Then it’s time to prepare Eternatus for farming Max Raid Battles. Firstly, raise it to level 100. This may seem daunting at first but using candies, it can be done in an hour of farming, maybe less. Now you need to farm some Battle Points at Battle Tower. You need to earn about 40 Battle Points before heading to Hammerlocke’s central Pokemon Center to buy Calcium from the BP Store there. Buy 20-25 Calcium and use them all on Eternatus. Lastly, you need to equip Choice Specs. If you haven’t found this item yet, check around the stage in Spikemuth, it’s a shiny on the floor.

This gives Eternatus huge Special Attack bonuses and it’s unique ability, Dynamax Cannon, deals double damage if the target is in Dynamax or Gigantamax form. Of course, all Max Raid Battles are in those forms. Even if use Dynamax Cannon when it’s not very effective, it will still reduce the target to its next available shield level.

Eternatus cannot Dynamax, so you can let other players use their Pokemon to Dynamax, essentially having the power of two Dynamax Pokemon due to the Dynamax Cannon. The Choice Specs further increase a moves ability but after you attack for the first turn in a fight, you can only use that move for the rest of the fight. It’s a huge power increase but Dynamax Cannon is only a 5 PP Move. It’s not required but increasing that to 7/7 or 8/8 with PP Up items is worth the investment.

Using this setup, we’ve defeated every single Max Raid Battle we have encountered in Sword & Shield. If you are only playing with AI companions, there are some fights that can still be challenging. Not so much because of Eternatus’ abilities but the allies in battle. It’s always a good idea, if you can, to find the likes of Rhyperior with an additional player or two.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-reset-dens-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-reset-dens-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 16:24:01 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92143 Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.

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How To Refresh Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM’s and berries to boot.

Dens are scattered throughout the Wild Area, marked by small hexagonal stone like structures. When you interact with a den you can challenge the Pokemon hiding within, if the den is active. Active dens are marked by a huge beam into the sky. Furthermore, if the base of the den is a bright red color, you can interact with the den to claim the Watts, without having to fight the Pokemon.

How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield

When Do Dens Reset In Pokemon Sword And Shield
Current speculation suggests that Max Raid Dens reset daily but I have not been able to verify that myself. My dens remained much of the same after a 24 hour window had passed, however, I have found a way that appears to reset your dens without fail.

In short, complete all the dens. On multiple occasions my Wild Area was barren of all dens, all but one. After I managed to successfully defeat the Pokemon in the final den, 5-6 more dens spawned and I was able to constantly farm new dens by repeating the process.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-check-individual-values-ivs-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-check-individual-values-ivs-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 15:05:28 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92132 If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.

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How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it’s hidden behind some extensive game progress.

Individual Values, more commonly referred to as IV’s, represents a Pokemon’s stat point potential. It’s what makes a Pokemon unique. For example, you can fight 6 different Pikachu’s and each will be different, because their stats are assigned different IV’s. The higher a Pokemon’s IV’s, the higher its stats will become. A Pokemon with max IV’s is the strongest version of that Pokemon you can find, not including EV training.

How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield

You can check IV’s in Pokemon Sword & Shield by unlocking the Judge feature. You must first complete the entire game, and then reach rank 4 at the Battle Tower. Once you have reached Rank 4, you can check your Pokemon’s IV at any box, even the one in your inventory.

Open your box, highlight a Pokemon and press the + button for View Stats, then press the + button again for Judge. This will give you a breakdown of a Pokemon’s IV’s. For the perfect Pokemon, you want the overall score to be Best.

  • No Good
  • Decent
  • Pretty Good
  • Very Good
  • Fantastic
  • Best

The Let’s Go Eevee and Let’s Go Pikachu you can get at the start of Sword and Shield both have perfect IV’s, so that’s a good place to start.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/where-to-buy-special-poke-balls-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/where-to-buy-special-poke-balls-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 02:48:11 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92113 There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

Basic Poke Balls are available at the start of your adventure. Great Balls and Ultra Balls become available as you progress in the story. Other Poke Balls are available in Pokemon Centers with two people at the counter. Sometimes the second person sells TM’s, in other places they sell special Poke Balls.

Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield

There are many different types of Poke Ball that you can only find one or two of. These are usually rewards for minor tasks or from speaking to the Poke Ball guy at each of the gym locations. The table below shows only the special Poke Balls you can physically purchase and have limitless supplies of.

Poke BallWhere To BuyEffect
Luxury BallWyndon Pokemon CenterMakes Pokemon gain friendship faster
Quick BallWyndon Pokemon CenterHigher catch rate if thrown at the start of battle
Quick BallEast Lake Axewell Watt Trader (50w)Higher catch rate if thrown at the start of battle
Repeat BallWyndon Pokemon CenterHigher success if catching a Pokemon caught before
Dive BallHammerlocke Pokemon CenterFor catching Pokemon that live underwater
Dive BallWild Area Meeting Spot Watt Trader (50w)For catching Pokemon that live underwater
Dusk BallHammerlocke Pokemon CenterBetter at catching Pokemon at night or in dark places
Dusk BallDappled Grove Watt Trader (50w)Better at catching Pokemon at night or in dark places
Timer BallHammerlocke Pokemon CenterHigher success the more turns that have passed
Timer BallGiant's Seat Watt Trader (50w)Higher success the more turns that have passed
Heal BallMotostoke Pokemon CenterFully heals any Pokemon caught with this ball
Net Ball Motostoke Pokemon CenterBetter at catching water or bug type Pokemon
Net BallHammerlocke Hills Watt Trader (50w)Better at catching water or bug type Pokemon
Nest BallMotostoke Pokemon CenterNest Ball
Nest BallBridge Field Watt Trader (50w)Nest Ball
Heal BallGiant's Cap Watt Trader (20w)Fully heals the caught Pokemon

These are some other special Poke Balls that we’ve found on our journey, that you cannot buy.

Poke BallEffect
Master BallGuarantees a catch (guide)
Friend BallImmediately makes caught Pokemon more friendly
Lure BallIncreases success rate with fished up Pokemon
Heavy BallBetter at catching Heavy Pokemon
Love BallHigher success catching Pokemon of opposite gender
Moon BallCatching Pokemon that evolve with Moon Stone
Dream BallBetter at catching sleeping Pokemon
Beast BallA ball with a low success rate
Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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Pokemon Sword & Shield Ribbons Guide https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/pokemon-sword-shield-ribbons-guide/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/pokemon-sword-shield-ribbons-guide/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 02:20:55 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92105 How do you get them? What do they do? We answer all your Ribbon related questions in our Pokemon Sword & Shield Ribbons Guide. We'll tell you where you can find your Ribbons, how you can equip them to your Pokemon, and what effects Ribbons have on your closest allies.

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Pokemon Sword & Shield Ribbons Guide
How do you get them? What do they do? We answer all your Ribbon related questions in our Pokemon Sword & Shield Ribbons Guide. We’ll tell you where you can find your Ribbons, how you can equip them to your Pokemon, and what effects Ribbons have on your closest allies.

Jumping straight into the meat of it, Ribbons are a visual bonus, a nice touch, a little something more for your closest Pokemon. They don’t have any effects on your Pokemon’s ability to battle or survive, but they act as a reminder of the great deeds you have achieved together.

You can find Pokemon’s Ribbons in the Ribbons section of the Summary screen for any Pokemon. Usually it’s blank, unless you have unlocked a Ribbon with that Pokemon.

Pokemon Sword & Shield Ribbons Guide

You earn Ribbons by completing special tasks in Pokemon Sword & Shield. For example, increasing your friendship to the maximum level rewards you with the Best Friends Ribbon. Once a Pokemon has fought close to 200-300 battles, they can get the Effort Ribbon. Finally, the last Ribbon we discovered, the Galar Champion Ribbon, awarded to Pokemon that were in your party after you completed the final fight in the story mode.

As I said previously, Ribbon’s have no real impact but they do give your Pokemon a nickname, a title. For example, I equipped my Gyarados with the Best Friends Ribbon. Now, whenever I summon Gyarados in a fight, my character summons “Gyarados, The Great Friend”.

You can see if you have earned these Ribbons by visiting the Effort Ribbon Giver and Best Friends Ribbon Giver in Hammerlocke. It’s the house to the right of the central Pokemon Center. We’re sure there’s plenty of more Ribbons to unlock but that covers the basics of Ribbons in Sword & Shield.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-change-rotoms-form-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-change-rotoms-form-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 02:10:00 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92100 Rotoms natural form is a bit bland. This guide tells you How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield as it's a Pokemon with the unique ability to take the form of various electrical appliances, and in a world of electrical items, that's a lot of forms.

The post How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Rotoms natural form is a bit bland. This guide tells you How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield as it’s a Pokemon with the unique ability to take the form of various electrical appliances, and in a world of electrical items, that’s a lot of forms.

While you can find Rotom relatively early in the Pokemon Sword & Shield adventure, it’s quite some time before you’re able to change his form. You need to follow the main story until you reach Wyndon. This means you must first defeat all the gym leaders, then head to Wyndon for the final showdown. Once you have reached Wyndon, check the houses just South of the Wyndon Stadium, the second to last house to be precise.

How To Change Rotoms Form In Pokemon Sword & Shield

How To Change Rotoms Form
Inside is a Pokemon Trainer with various forms of Rotom. Defeat him a in a Pokemon Battle and he will give you the Rotom Catalog. Once you have the catalog open it and use it on Rotom. You can then select what form Rotom takes from the following:

  • Light Bulb
  • Microwave Oven
  • Washing Machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Electric Fan
  • Lawn Mower

Each different form features a slightly different move set, a different appearance, and a different type matching.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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7 Things To Do After You Complete Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/7-things-to-do-after-you-complete-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/7-things-to-do-after-you-complete-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 01:59:42 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92022 Beaten Pokemon Sword or Shield? We've got 7 Things To Do After You Complete Pokemon Sword & Shield as the story is just the beginning. With hidden rewards, a huge Pokedex, ranked battles, online functionality, there's a lot to do in Sword and Shields post-game, end-game content.

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7 Things To Do After You Complete Pokemon Sword & Shield
Beaten Pokemon Sword or Shield? We’ve got 7 Things To Do After You Complete Pokemon Sword & Shield as the story is just the beginning. With hidden rewards, a huge Pokedex, ranked battles, online functionality, there’s a lot to do in Sword and Shields post-game, end-game content.

Pokemon has always featured some exciting end-game content to keep you engaged far past the initial story. While Pokemon Sword & Shield don’t boast the extensive end-game options in some of the games, there is still a lot to do once you have finished the story.

Track Down Your Legendary

Both Pokemon Sword & Shield have Legendary Pokemon, both are heavily involved in the latter stages of the story, but you can also capture one of these awesome Pokemon for yourself. Zacian (Pokemon Sword) and Zamazenta (Pokemon Shield) can be caught once you’ve completed the game. Head to Slumbering Weald to begin the long quest to get your legendary Pokemon. Be sure to check out our guide on finding the legendary Pokemon if you get stuck.

Master The Battle Tower

Once you have completed the story, the most obvious spot for your next visit is the Battle Tower. The Battle Tower offers the most challenging trainer battles throughout the entire game. Pokemon are higher levels, the AI fight more intelligently, it’s a challenge, even for the most experienced Pokemon trainer. Worry not, the rewards are pretty impressive too. How many Battle Points have you earned?

Collect Your Champion Rewards

After you are the Champion of the region, several people want to show their gratitude and support. These special NPC’s give you a reward once you have fully completed the story in Pokemon Sword & Shield. Here is a list of people, where to find them, and what you get.

  • Bargain Seller in Stow-On-Side (Beast Ball)
  • Police Officer in left most hotel in Circhester (Oval Charm)
  • Young man near shipping containers in Motostoke (Steel Beam move)
  • Young Lady in Battle Tower (Pokemon Null)

Hunt Some Shiny Pokemon

Shiny Pokemon have long been an exciting and highly coveted part of the Pokemon experience. Shiny Pokemon are identical to their normal counter-parts, except in visuals. It’s amazing what difference a flick of color can make to a Pokemon. While decking out your entire party with your favorite Shiny Pokemon is a massively daunting task, netting yourself just one or two is definitely possible, even for casual players. Finding Shiny Pokemon is a lot easier once you unlock the Shiny Charm, but that in itself is a massive undertaking.

Take Your Skills To The Next Level

Pokemon Sword & Shield are among the first Pokemon games of this scale to provide players with a competitive, online element. Previously only specific events or local competitive play were the main attractions to competitive play. While online had its place, it’s more prevalent now than other. Build up your best Pokemon team and take them online in Ranked Matches, 2v2, and more. We’re excited to see what events Game Freak bring to the competitive table.

Breed The Ultimate Pokemon

Breeding in Pokemon games has long been one of the franchises most popular features. For casual players, grabbing a Ditto and breeding another version of your starting Pokemon is fantastic, but for players looking to take things to the competitive scene, it’s a treasure trove of rewards, if you have the patience. Finding Pokemon with the perfect IV’s to breed the perfect Pokemon before training them perfectly with EV training. It’s a complicated web of hidden features and systems that come together in exciting ways.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

It’s the name of the game. Filling out that Pokedex was, at one time or another, the dream of every Pokemon player. While the original 150 seemed quite a daunting task, the Pokedex of the 8th generation of Pokemon makes it look trivial in comparison. It will take some time, a lot of time, a lot of trades, and a lot of patience. But how many people can say they’ve ever fully completed a Pokedex in modern Pokemon games?

What else have you found to do after you’ve completed Pokemon Sword or Shield? Leave a comment below.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

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How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-unlock-new-camping-toys-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-unlock-new-camping-toys-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 01:56:07 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92093 Want more toys to play with at camp? This guide tells you How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield as using the camp with your Pokemon is one of the fastest ways of increasing friendship with Pokemon and it's really damn cute too.

The post How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Want more toys to play with at camp? This guide tells you How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield as using the camp with your Pokemon is one of the fastest ways of increasing friendship with Pokemon and it’s really damn cute too.

Many of the Pokemon in Sword & Shield will only evolve once you have reached a certain level of friendship. One of the best ways of increasing friendship is to play with your Pokemon at the camp, and cook a delicious curry of course. At the beginning you have two toys to play with, a feather duster type thing, and a Poke Ball. However, you can unlock more toys through your cooking prowess.

How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield

Head to the Wild Area, East Lake Axewell, at the foot of the stairs that leads directly into Motostoke. There are two NPC’s here. One is a camping guide. He lets you customize your tent by changing its color but he’s also a keen chef.

If you speak with him and ask him to rate your Curry Dex, he will check the amount of different curries you have made. If you have made at least 5 curry types, he will give you a new toy to use at camp. You get another toy at 10. We’ve yet to get past that point but there’s probably more too.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

The post How To Unlock New Camping Toys In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/where-to-find-rotom-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/where-to-find-rotom-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2019 01:44:29 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92089 Rotom is a versatile Pokemon with many forms. This guide tells you Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield as it shares an exclusive spawn point with another very hard to find Pokemon. Track down Rotom, add him to your party, and make use of that bizarre Rotom Catalog you've found.

The post Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Rotom is a versatile Pokemon with many forms. This guide tells you Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield as it shares an exclusive spawn point with another very hard to find Pokemon. Track down Rotom, add him to your party, and make use of that bizarre Rotom Catalog you’ve found.

Rotom can be found in the same place you can find Ditto. It’s in the Lake of Outrage, a high level part of the Wild Area. You need to upgrade your bike before you can reach this specific spot as it’s past a large body of water. Once you have the ability to go across the water, head to the Lake of Outrage.

Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield

Where To Find Rotom
Cross the water in the Lake of Outrage and head to the first large patch of grass. Rotom can spawn in there. He is very small but moves around incredibly quickly, giving off little bolts of energy as he moves. He’s a very rare spawn but very easy to spot when he does finally arrive.

Rotom is a unique Pokemon because he is able to change his form into that of electrical appliances. Neat, eh? Check out our guide on how to change Rotom’s form for help on that.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

The post Where To Find Rotom In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-evolve-snom-in-pokemon-sword-shield/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/how-to-evolve-snom-in-pokemon-sword-shield/#respond Sun, 17 Nov 2019 23:49:07 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=92074 Snom is another Pokemon with an intriguing evolution mechanic. Here we break down How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield so you can quickly have your passive and rather relaxed Snom, become a beautiful and deadly Frosmoth.

The post How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.


Snom is another Pokemon with an intriguing evolution mechanic. Here we break down How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield so you can quickly have your passive and rather relaxed Snom, become a beautiful and deadly Frosmoth.

In order for Snom to become Frostmoth you must first become friendly with it. We’ve gone over how to increase your friendship and how to check your friendship but a quick break down. Pokemon become friendly towards you through victories, playing at camp, talking to them at camp and feeding them at camp. You can check friendship levels of Pokemon inside the house on the right side of Hammerlocke’s central Pokemon Center.

How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield

How To Evolve Snom
Once you have reached a friendship level where the kid tells you “you’re pretty good friends” that’s high enough. If it doesn’t work, try another couple of fights, that’s where it worked for me. After you and Snom are close enough friends, you need to wait until night time (or you can change the time yourself to make it night time)

If Snom has the right friendship level and it’s night time, it will evolve into Frosmoth.

Max Raid Battles offer huge rewards in Sword & Shield. In this guide we tell you who we think is the Best Pokemon For Max Raid Battles In Pokemon Sword & Shield, a Pokemon that is able to drop almost any level Max Raid Battle down to its next available shield in a single shot.
Want your dens to reset and respawn? This guide explains How To Reset Dens In Pokemon Sword & Shield as grinding the Max Raid Battles is one of the best methods of leveling your Pokemon, finding the strongest IVs, and gathering plenty of TM's and berries to boot.
If you want the strong Pokemon, you need the best IVs. This guide explains How To Check Individual Values (IVs) In Pokemon Sword & Shield as although its a vital feature for those looking to breed the ultimate Pokemon team, it's hidden behind some extensive game progress.
There are tons of special Poke Balls in the game, each with their own effect. In this guide we tell you Where To Buy Special Poke Balls In Pokemon Sword & Shield and the effect that each of the special Poke Balls has, as each one increases the chances depending on one particular factor.

The post How To Evolve Snom In Pokemon Sword & Shield appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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