Assassin's Creed Valhalla GuidesGame Guides

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Lady Eadwyn Choice Guide

Lady Eadwyn Choice Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Another big choice in AC Valhalla is when you decide Lady Eadwyn’s fate at the end of Oxenefordscire. Check out this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Lady Eadwyn choice guide to find out what happens for each choice. This way you don’t have to guess the wrong choice and reload your game.

Lady Eadwyn Choice AC Valhalla

You have two options when it comes to dealing with Lady Eadwyn in AC Valhalla.

Let Her Be Exiled
You cast Lady Eadwyn out of Mercia and strip her of titles and names. She has lost the right to rule and the right to live here. She curses you and swears she will come find you and kill you as soon as she can. She is then taken away and I haven’t seen her since, so I guess she doesn’t attack you. I was ambushed by some bandits at one point who said “For the lady” so maybe they were sent by Eadwyn. Either way she is no longer a major threat.

Let Geadric Look After Her
You tell the Lady that Geadric is going to be taking care of her now since she fought with honor and pride. Geadric doesn’t mind, but still doesn’t trust her. He has her arrested and taken away. She won’t be seen again and she doesn’t threaten to kill you with this option..

After that there is chat between you all and another battle begins to brew as King Alfred arrives.

Check back soon for more Assassin’s Creeds Valhalla guides.

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Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography

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