Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Weaken Eadwyn’s Hold On Oxenfordscire Guide
While playing AC Valhalla, you will come across a mission that needs you to weaken Eadwyn’s hold in Oxenefordscire. Check out this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla weaken Eadwyn’s hold on Oxenfordscire guide to do it quickly. This way you know where all the troops and supplies are located.
AC Valhalla Weaken Eadwyn’s Hold Guide
There are five spots you are going to want to go to weaken Eadwyn’s hold on Oxenfordscire in AC Valhalla.
South of Buckingham, across the river, there will be some soldiers waiting here. Chat with them and join them in the ambush of Eadwyn’s men. It takes a couple of minutes for them to spawn, but after they are dead the bar goes up.
In the town of Oxeneforda there is a standard bearer who works for Eadwyn. Kill him and send a message that Eadwyn can’t protect the area to increase the bar further.
The tower here has some more soldiers who are waiting around. When you arrive, they ask for help as a bunch of Eadwyn’s men rush them. Clear out the enemies and chat with your allies to get the bar to go up again.
Head here on the map next and you will run into a camp of enemies. This camp also has a bunch of wagons and supplies, and the wagons have explosive barrels near them. Light up the wagons and watch that bar slowly fill up more.
There is also some more wagons at the castle you can destroy if you need to weaken her further, but at this point the bar should be filled if you did the other story missions with Sigurd and the crazy priest lady. She helps you burn and destroy some more of Eadwyn’s men and supplies.
Check back soon for more Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guides.