Comments on: Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide – How To Kill Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Mon, 29 Jan 2018 20:10:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emma Elzbieta Juarez Mon, 29 Jan 2018 20:10:00 +0000 I can’t even take the Outsider out if the other enemies keep getting involved…keep having 10 against 1…every time I try to fight him…the soldiers ride along transporting goods and then decide to join in on the attack..fucks need to mind their own business

By: GlennIsDead Tue, 16 Jan 2018 20:23:00 +0000 Once you are level 40 it’s a breeze. I took all 10 out in a row. 😉

By: Harold A Smith Tue, 02 Jan 2018 06:40:00 +0000 The easiest way I have found to kill a Phylake is to clear a large, easy fort, like at The Pharos. Once that is done, I light the brazier myself. The first few backup soldiers I try to get rid of before the Phylake arrives. Once he gets there, I draw him up to the rampart, and I move quickly up to a low tower with a ballista. He walks slowly towards the tower, then shoot him until he dies, or you run out of ammo. If you do this correctly, it won’t matter if you run out, because his hp will be severely diminished.

By: Anion Mon, 20 Nov 2017 14:33:00 +0000 I’ve killed five of them so far. The Stranger and Ra’s Mercy I killed with fire (fire bombs from above [I perched on a wall in Memphis] for The Stranger, fire arrows out in the open from the Smoke and Mirrors bow for Ra’s Mercy) and that was quite quick and simple. It takes a couple of shots for them to show any damage, but once they start losing health they lose it fast.

By: Roy Ruther Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:31:00 +0000 This time through, hard mode, I’m killing them on foot. for the Outsider, you want a long weapon. Ptolemy’s Fist has a slow weapon. I used the weapon from The Outsider drop, wan’t all that tough. Iron Ram, I started with poison and got lucky. The Stranger is next on my list. No polo style kills this time in.

By: Jacob Sun, 12 Nov 2017 06:11:00 +0000 In reply to Roy Ruther.

You can also use a weapon with poison

By: Roy Ruther Sun, 05 Nov 2017 05:27:00 +0000 Best way I found to kill phylakes is… be on your horse… smack them as you run by. use either a health on hit or a flaming weapon.

By: DuztCannonball Tue, 31 Oct 2017 10:25:00 +0000 I have found 10 Phylakes (killed just 1 so far), the levels are about the same.
The Outsider (20)
Ptolemy’s Fist (22)
The Iron Ram (25)
The Stranger (28)
Ra’s Mercy (30)
The Hill (32)
Bane of Hathor (35)
Half Horn (38)
The Iron Bull (40)
The Galatian (40)
