Genshin Impact Luhua Pool Hidden Palace Puzzle Guide
While you are in the Luhua Pool in Genshin Impact, you will run into a fire puzzle that you can complete. Check out this Genshin Impact Luhua Pool Hidden Palace Puzzle guide to get through it with no trouble at all. You will be able to access the Hidden Palace after you do this.
Genshin Impact Luhua Pool Puzzle Guide
When you first get there, head to the tiny set of steps and activate the instrument there. This will reveal the fire elemental switches in the area. There are six total but we are only going to be using three. Bust out your fire character go to the center of the area. Of the six switches only three of them have full pillars behind them, these are the ones we are messing with.
Shoot fire at the middle pillar first, then the pillar to the right of the middle one, then wrap back around and light the left most pillar. After a few seconds the floor will disappear and you will begin falling through the floor. Glide down so you don’t take damage, then stand on the center circle until it is fully lit. This will give you a current you can use to get out without fast traveling.
Interact with the Hidden Palace to unlock that so you can fast travel back here when you need. This is a level 60 dungeon, so it might be a little out of your reach at the moment. Still, you are rewarded for completing the puzzle so you might as well do it while you are here.
Check back soon for more Genshin Impact Guides.