Star Wars Outlaws Frame Crimson Dawn Or Pykes Choice
Another important choice for Kay to make, is whether she wipes the financial records of the Crimson Dawn or the Pyke Syndicate, either way, someone is getting framed.
How To Use This Guide
Both of the choices are under Accordion blocks below. This is to conceal the information about both choices, so you can avoid story spoilers if you want to do another playthrough and make different decisions.
To view the outcome of each choice, simply press on the choice to expand the information and reveal the outcome.
Brief Reputation Outcomes are highlighted. If the reputation gain from the decision is positive, it is marked green, and for negative, it is marked red. The “+” icons represent whether it is a small, medium, or large increase in Reputation.
If You Choose Frame Crimson Dawn
Reputation Outcome
+++Pyke Syndicate
—Crimson Dawn
Story Outcome
When you return to the planet, you explain Gorak that you framed the Crimson Dawn instead of him. He takes in the little frog man and pays you 500 credits. A bounty hunter is after you now as well.
If You Choose Frame Pyke Syndicate
Reputation Outcome
+++Crimson Dawn
—Pyke Syndicate
Story Outcome
If you make this choice, Bosnok wipes all the Pyke Syndicate records from the Imperial system. When you return to the planet, Kay arranges for the Crimson Dawn to take care of your new passenger, and she warns you of a bounty hunter.
Soon after, Gorak will call and ask to see you. He explains that the Governor and the Crimson Dawn are planning to have Gorak removed from power.