Star Wars Outlaws Refuse & Finish The Job Or Double Cross The Hutts Choice
During a mission, Kay is given the choice to either double-cross the infamous Hutts, or refuse and finish the job she was given in Star Wars Outlaws. In this guide, we break down the story and reputation outcome for each of the choices.
As with many of Ubisoft’s games, the choices and consequences in Star Wars Outlaws vary, greatly. Some decisions are inconsequential, changing nothing more than the following dialogue.
We will update the guide with additional information, should this particular choice impact the games story later down the line.
How To Use This Guide
Both of the choices are under Accordion blocks below. This is to conceal the information about both choices, so you can avoid story spoilers if you want to do another playthrough and make different decisions.
To view the outcome of each choice, simply press on the choice to expand the information and reveal the outcome.
Brief Reputation Outcomes are highlighted. If the reputation gain from the decision is positive, it is marked green, and for negative, it is marked red. The “+” icons represent whether it is a small, medium, or large increase in Reputation.
If You Choose Refuse And Finish The Job
Reputation Outcome
—Crimson Dawn
+++Hutt Cartel
Story Outcome
Monda says it’s a shame and then draws a blaster. Kay is forced to either kill or incapacitate Monda. Once you finish the mission, you return to Verrick and complain about the bomb fuse.
Kay explains what Monda tried to do, Verrick shares his appreciation. You get 1,000 Credits.
If You Choose Double Cross The Hutts
Reputation Outcome
+Hutt Cartel
+++Crimson Dawn
Story Outcome
Monda says working for the Crimson Dawn can be very profitable, then tells you to go set the bomb while she gets the files.
Verrick thinks you are lying and you only get half the credits for the job. You get 500 instead of 1000. After a few minutes, a Crimson Dawn person will contact you and your rep will increase and you gain another 250 credits.