Another one of the romance options in AC Odyssey is Auxesia in the Oracle of the Delphi. This guide will help you find out how to romance Ausexia in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Admittedly though, she is one of the easier romance options in the game.
How To Romance Auxesia In AC Odyssey
Auxesia has a quest to called “Age Is Just A Number” to give you. She wants you to collect a bear part and a deer part for an elixir for her husband. He can’t keep up with her anymore, she thinks this will help. Get the items and return to Auxesia. When you talk to her again, tell her “Let Me satisfy You” and her husband will be all for it. It will take you the whole day to complete the act, but the husband and wife will both be satisfied. When the deed is done, you will get paid and you will also get a weapon for your troubles.
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