How To Find DLC Missions Ambush at Sea & Secrets of the First Pyramids In Assassins Creed Origins
Did you buy the Deluxe Edition and can’t find the DLC missions? This guide will tell you How To Find DLC Missions Ambush at Sea & Secrets of the First Pyramids In Assassins Creed Origins. Special missions are available for players that pre-purchased or bought the Deluxe Edition of Assassin’s Creed Origins. This unlocks both the Ambush at Sea and Secrets of the First Pyramids missions.
Ambush At Sea
A fantastic throwback to Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. A short but exhilarating ship battle on the open seas. This mission is not one you are able to miss. As you progress through the main story missions you will eventually have several targets to hunt down. It is during these missions that the Ambush at Sea appears. I don’t want to spoil the details of the targets but just progress through story missions and you should get to Ambush at Sea at around level 20. Once you complete the story mission, Ambush at Sea becomes a main mission in your journal.
Secrets of the First Pyramids
This mission is a little easier to track down. During natural story progression you will reach Iment Nome Region very early. Once you arrive in that region you will automatically have this side quest added to your quest journal. It’s a suggested level of 23 so you may have to wait a while before getting access but it’s another one you can’t miss.