Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Dream Of Druids Treasure Horde Map Guide
The Wrath of the Druids DLC introduces a number of new treasure maps to AC Valhalla. This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Dream Of Druids Treasure Horde Map Guide will tell you where you can find this specific treasure map, how to decipher the clues, and most importantly, where to find the buried treasure.
You can find the Dream of Druids Treasure Horde Map at a small sacrificial alter to the South West of Kiltober, to the South East of Tuam, on the South Eastern side of Lough Tuam. There’s a small crevice in some rocks that hides the treasure map and a key for a nearby locked door. Grab the map to get started.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Dream Of Druids Treasure Horde Map Guide
When you collect the treasure map, open your inventory and check your bag. Scroll all the way to the bottom to read the clue.
Dream of Druids
The stones stand
In silent circle
Water Washed
Spirit inspired
The northernmost lough
In all Connacht
Center yourself there
As you’ve probably guessed, we’re looking for a lake in Connacht. This one took me forever because the northernmost lough in Connacht is Lough Glencar, but that’s not the correct location. You want to head to Lough Gara, as show above. There’s a small pond here in a circle of stone. You will find the treasure in the center of the pond.
You get a torso tattoo.