Assassins Creed Origins GuidesGame Guides

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide
Want to master the arena and win every battle? This Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide will tell you everything you need to know to defeat every opponent, win every battle and emerge victorious in the ranks of the arena.

There are two Arena’s in Assassin’s Creed Origins. The main arena in is Krokodilopolis. You gain access after completing a certain part of the main story. You can check out our guide for that here. The second arena is in Cyrene, and is only open to those that display the very best abilities on the field of battle. For details on how to unlock the Cyrene arena, check here.

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide Introduction

Once you have completed the story specific parts of the arena you can return. On your return you are greeted with a new menu, similar to the one used in the Hippodrome. From here you can select your opponents and progress through the ranks. Below is a guide on each of the battles and what your enemies will do to defeat you. You get gold and experience points for every battle, if there are any other noteworthy rewards, they will be listed.

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide Tips & Tricks

  • Once you defeat a boss of an event, you unlock the next stage
  • You cannot use your own weapons. Only those given to you
  • Unlock the Overpower Chain Throw ability. This is a great way to dispatch of two heavy targets or archers in a single action
  • Your Overpower attack can hit more than one person. Be sure to utilize as best as possible
  • Overpower Ultra is another good ability
  • Adrenaline 2 makes most boss fights easy

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide – The Brothers

Suggested level 29. This is basically a repeat of the story fight but without a partner. You do not have to fight through Brothers I, Brothers II and Brothers III before you are able to take on the Boss – The Brothers stage. You can challenge him instantly. The build up fights are incredibly easy. A few soldiers at a time with increased environmental hazards.

Assassins Creed Origins Arena Guide – The Slaver

Suggested level 30. This is very similar to The Brothers stage except archers are introduced and there are more mobile arena traps. The Heavy Blade and Shield are a fantastic combination of weapons. You can easily dispatch of most targets in a single hit. Be sure to utilize the charge attack as this is a circular AoE that can take down multiple foes at once. It’s very effective if you camp at one of the doors and wipe out half the wave in a single swing.

You get a Legendary Outfit for completing the Arena Event on normal. Although, it’s one you can purchase at a store.

Once you beat The Brothers and The Slaver, you unlock Arena Elite Events. They are basically the same, just vamped up a little bit. Tougher enemies, more traps. If you got through the first stage without any problems, this shouldn’t be hard for you. If you defeat The Brothers you get a Legendary Leviathan Heavy Blade and for The Slaver you get nothing.

Got what it takes to beat the big boys? Check out our Assassins Creed Origins Cyrene Gladiator Arena Guide

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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