Assassins Creed Origins GuidesGame Guides

What Do Weapon And Armor Perks & Bonuses Do In Assassins Creed Origins

What Do Weapon And Armor Perks & Bonuses Do In Assassins Creed Origins
Want to know exactly what that special bonus on your favorite weapon does? This guide will tell you What Do Weapon And Armor Perks & Bonuses Do In Assassins Creed Origins so you can make sure you pick the right equipment for each battle.

Whenever you inspect a weapon or shield you will notice perks attached. These are usually marked by a black or gold icon. Black icons are basic perks that scale in effects based on the level. Black Perks can be from level 1 to level 4.

Gold perks, Advanced Perks, are much rarer and only come on the best items. These are single effects that are typically more potent and useful than Basic Perks. Below is a complete list of all the different perks in Assassin’s Creed Origins including details on effects and bonuses.

Basic Perks

What does Damage Absorption Value do?
Bayek has 10% chance to absorb 50-95% of damage

What does Adrenaline on Hurt do?
Whenever Bayek receives damage he recieves 10-25 Adrenaline Points

What does Critical Damage do?
Bayek’s critical attacks do 180-300% more damage

What does Ranged Resistance do?
Range damage is reduced by 20-50%

What does Rate of Fire do?
Increases bow rate of fire by 20-50%

What does Damage Absorption Rate do?
Bayek has 20-50% chance to absorb 30% of incoming damage

What does Adrenaline on Kill do?
Whenever Bayek kills an enemy he gets 20-50 Adrenaline Points

What does Critical Hit Rate do?
When Bayek attacks he has a 20-50% chance to critical hit

What does Precision do?
Arrows are 10-40% more accurate

What does Adrenaline Regeneration do?
When Bayek’s weapon is drawn he gets 1-4 Adrenaline Points per second

What does Bleeding on Hit do?
Attacks have a 10-40% chance to make target bleed

What does Fire Resistance do?
Fire damage is reduced by 20-50%

What does Stealth Damage do?
While undetected shots do additional 115-160% damage

What does Adrenaline on Parry do?
When Bayek parries an attack he gains 20-35 Adrenaline Points

What does Combo Multiplier do?
With each consecutive hit damage is increased by 110-125%

What does Melee Resistance do?
Reduces incoming melee damage by 20-50%

What does Charging Speed do?
Reduces bow charging duration by 10-40%

Advanced Perks

What does On Fire do?
Attacks have a chance to set enemies on fire

What does Bleeding on Block do?
Blocking attacks has has 20% chance to bleed the attacker

What does Sleep on Hit do?
Attacks have a 10% chance to put target to sleep

What does Health on Kill do?
Bayek recovers 15% of his health after each kill

What does Ranged Hit Multiplier do?
Shots taken over 20 meters do double damage

What does Poison on Block do?
Blocking attacks has a 20% chance to poison attacker

What does Health for Critical do?
When under 20% health all attacks are critical hits

What does Health on Parry do?
After a parry Bayek recovers 50% of the incoming damage

What does Elevation Multiplier do?
Shots taken from more than 3 meters higher than the target deal double damage

What does Sleep on Block do?
Blocking attacks has a 10% chance to put the attacker to sleep

What does Instant Charging do?
Charged heavy attacks are instant

What does Extra Arrow do?
Bayek can load two extra arrows

What does Poison on Hit do?
Attacks have a 20% chance to poison targets

What does Health on Hit do?
Bayek recovers 1% of health with each attack

What does Cursed do?
Cursed increases damage output by 200% by reduces maximum health to 33%.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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