How To Get Munchlax In Pokemon Sun And Moon
Munchlax is a Pokemon you can get for playing Pokemon Sun and Moon during its launch. This Pokemon will eventually evolve into a Snorlax and comes with special attack for Snorlax. Check out this guide to figure out How To Get Munchlax In Pokemon Sun And Moon!
How To Get Munchlax In Pokemon Sun And Moon
Now I’m not 100% sure, but I haven’t seen a Munchlax or a Snorlax that I could capture yet. If you play the game during the launch window then you can just get a Munchlax right away. First off you need to start a new game and get your first Pokemon. After that, save and exit the game so you can re access the main menu. At the main menu select “Mystery Gift” and then select “Get Gift From Internet”. It took a couple of tries for it to load for me, so don’t fret if it bugs the first time. When it finally goes through you will get Munchlax and the Snorlium Z for Snorlax.Now when you enter the game you can get your Munchlax. It can be found at any Poke Center in the game. Talk to the guy next to the healing station and he will tell you he has your gift. It comes in at level 5 and can be either Male or Female. To evolve Munchlax you need to max its affection with you. You can do this by feeding it, using it in battle, petting it in the groom section and cleaning dirt or other things off it after battle. When you max the affection, it will evolve the next time it levels up. When you have Snorlax, give it the Snorlax Z stone to give it a special ability.
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