Where To Find Deer In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Want to farm Soft Leather or need to kill a deer for a quest? This guide will tell you Where To Find Deer In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, in large numbers. Making it the perfect hunting grounds to stock up on valuable leather ingredients.
Deer are rather large animals, with some pretty dangerous looking antlers. However, in AC Odyssey, they are not predatory in any sense of the word. They will not attack, even when provoked, and they will flee at the first sign of danger.
Where To Find Deer In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
There is always a huge gathering of deer East of Grand Mount Parnassos in the Phoki region. It’s suitable for anyone around level 12. There are easily 10-20 in this area at all times.
Hunting them is easy. A single hit or shot will bring them down. To make it even easier, mount your horse and use your bow. The auto-aim while riding is very strong so will allow you to kill a deer very quickly and easily.
And that’s how to farm soft leather and Where To Find Deer In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.