Throughout Egypt you will discover papyrus paper with puzzles written on them. This Assassins Creed Origins Papyrus Papyri Puzzle Guide will help you solve the puzzles so you can complete the hidden objectives and reap the rewards.
The Papyri puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Origins are usually hidden within temples or important locations. They are marked on your map by a small scroll with a binding in the middle. You will encounter one very early in the game if you complete The Healer side quest. This leads you to the House of Life. Once inside the temple use your sight to locate the scroll on a table. This will be your first Papyrus Puzzle.
Below is a list of all the Papyrus Puzzles we’ve found so far and the answers.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Siwa Region
Papyrus Location: House of Life
Clue: In Siwa, come find me at the bottom of the only bowl big enough for a god.
Solution: South East of the Amun Temple, marked above. There’s a large pool of water. Swim to the bottom to solve this riddle.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Lake Moreotis Region
Papyrus Location: 2nd floor of Hypostyle Hall in Lake Mareotis
Clue: A few hundred meters North West of the Temple of Sekhmet in Yamu, which resides by Lake Mareotis, there is a great place to go for a date. Full of palm trees and surrounded by desert, one rock fence was built and closed off with no exit. Find me there.
Solution: There is a small group of ruins and some palm trees to the North West of Yamu. Head there and search for the item. You will find the item near the house next to the covered well. There’s one area with a tree and some long grass that is completely encircled by a small stone wall. Search in that area.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Alexandria Region
Papyrus Location: This can be found on a table in the temple inside Alexandria. It’s near the South Eastern Fast Travel point.
Clue: In the South section of Mareotis Lake there is an island full of ruins. A man stares at me all day, it’s quite a bother, so I’m hiding behind a column that blocks his sight.
Solution: Head to the island East of Yuma. From the Fast Travel point head south, through the initial ruins to find a large pillar. There’s a statue nearby, search behind the pillar so you cannot see the statue.
Papyrus Location: This one can be found atop a table in the temple in the very Northern part of Alexandria.
Clue: Alexandria is large and noisy, but one part is quiet, lonely and surrounded by water. The fallen palm tree points to where I lay, where land meets water.
Solution: Search for the large, fallen palm tree on the island. Follow the trunk to the bushy part of the tree and then continue West towards the water. Not too far from the edge if the treasure.
Papyrus Location: This puzzle can be found on the table at the bottom of the stairs within the Great Library in Alexandria
Clue: In the center of Sap-Meh Nome you can find me hidden in a canyon near Anthylla. I’m under a tree that thinks it’s unique, but only because the nearby rock bridge is blocking it from seeing the others of its breed.
Solution: This one is quite easy. Head to the player marker above. Just North of the river divide there is a single tree. If you approach from the North you’ll have to drop down a short ways. Search next to the tree to find it.
Papyrus Location: Inside Alexander The Great’s Tomb in Alexandria. It’s in the center of the city, to the North East. Next to the water
Clue: In the Qatara Depression there is only one place that isn’t dry and sad. At dawn’s first light, there is one tree near the valley’s entrance whose roots are halfway between Ra’s glory and Apophi’s shadow. Find me there but make haste, for Ra moves quickly.
Solution: This is in a region in the South West area of Egypt, the Qatara Depression. There’s an Oasis there with a Hermit spot. As you approach the Oasis and the trees begin to appear, search the nearest smallest tree as you approach. It’s around the base of the tree.
Papyrus Location: Inside the Great Synagogue in Alexandria
Clue: In the east section of the Kanopos Nome is a ravaged land, where many trees fell and lost their home. I’m by the orphan tree whose parents fell down nearby, pointing towards their lonely daughter.
Solution: Head to the large island on Kanopos Nome. At the location marked above, there’s a large fallen tree that points to a smaller tree along a fence of hay. Check around the base of the tree for the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Kanopos Nome Region
Papyrus Location: Inside Zephyros Stables in the Kanopos Nome region.
Clue: In Sapi-Res Nome, North of Letopolis Temple, you can find me in the farmland. I lay where man’s creation brings the Nile’s water to desert sand.
Solution: In the very South East of the Sapi-Res Nome region. North West of the town Letopolis. There’s some farmland with a small structure leading water into the area. Search the end of it to find the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Sapi-res Nome Region
Papyrus Location: You get this puzzle during the side quest A New Kid in Town in Sapi-Res Nome.
Clue: If your feet are firm in Letopolis, look West to the Pyramids. Within the golden dunes lies the Temple of a Million Years, guarded by stone lionesses.
Solution: Head to the location marked above. Enter the temple through the crack and interact with all the lore objects.
Papyrus Location: Inside the Temple of Horus in Letopolis
Clue: In South East of Iment Nome lies a broken ship. Pass time till morning, an X will mark my hiding spot.
Solution: Head out to the area marked on the map, the Fast Travel point in Iment Nome is closest. There’s a shipwreck nearby. Change the time to morning and you will see the mast of the shipwreck cast a X shadow on the ground nearby. Search in the middle to find the treasure. You have to use your change time ability, otherwise the shadow will not appear.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Memphis Region
Papyrus Location: Inside the Temple of Ptah
Clue: Two men stand guard on the Memphis Eastern canal. The South one looks solemnly at his sunken friend. If you follow his gaze you can find him and me on the river floor.
Solution: Head to the East bay of Memphis and take a boat out to the water. At the location marked above you will see the mast of a ship sticking out from the sea. Swim down to investigate. The ship is in three pieces. Not far from the middle piece is a statue on the sea floor. Investigate to complete this puzzle.
Papyrus Location: Palace of Apries in Memphis
Clue: On an island South East of Krokodilopolis there is a river with unnatural color. Nearby you’ll see the cause, and I’ll be inside the only one that’s unique.
Solution: To solve this one you need to travel far to the South West, to the Faiyum Oasis region. There’s a town there called Krokodilopolis, with a small island leading off to the South East. Go to the island and you will see several bodies of water. Red, brown etc. One looks clear, like actual water. You will find the treasure in there.
Papyrus Location: Wabet temple in Memphis
Clue: If you head to the other side of the Nile in Ineb-Hedjet Nome, you can find a peak with a great view of the Nile. Take a look around, then come find me, hiding under the only tree nearby.
Solution: Travel East of Memphis, over the river. The other side is the very edge of the map. At the location marked above you will find a lone tree and a bush. Search the bush for the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Giza Region
Papyrus Location: Eastern Cemetery Mastaba in the Giza region
Clue: In Giza, three Pyramids stand tall. From the top of the smaller one you can see quite a lot, even two mushroom rocks, the smaller of which I lay atop of.
Solution: Head to the location marked above. There are two huge rock pillars. It’s atop the large flat one.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Haueris Nome
Papyrus Location: Inside the Temple of Toth which is in the city of Hermopolis in the Haueris Nome region.
Clue: Southeast of the city Hermopolis is a leopard’s den in Uab Nome. At the top of their territory lies a place where birds should live, but do not. If you take a leap of faith you can find me.
Solution: Head South over the river to Uab Nome. There’s a Leopard Lair at the ? the other side of the river. As you approach you’ll notice some pillars and stonework atop a mountain. Climb up there, walk to the end of the branch and take a Leap of Faith. You’ll find the treasure at the bottom.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Faiyum Oasis
Papyrus Location: Inside the Temple of Sobek in the Faiyum Oasis region, in the city of Krokodilopolis.
Clue: East of Krokodilopolis, South of the shattered pyramid, a large beast of a god stares angrily at a pharaoh who shows him no respect. I’m hidden behind the blasphemers head.
Solution: Head to Haueris Nome. There’s a broken pyramid there with a Fast Travel point atop it. Head South from there. You will pass a statue of Sobek and then further along you will see the head of another statue just peering over the ledge. Search behind it for the treasure.
Papyrus Location: Inside House of Iwn. A temple to the South of Philadelphia in Faiyum Oasis.
Clue: In Atef-Pehu Nome there is a law that states that you can only make pottery on the East side of the road. I’m hidden atop the one illegal clay smoker in the region.
Solution: Head to the location marked above. You’ll see a bunch of potters. There’s a large furnace with a chimney type structured on top. Climb into the top to get the treasure. It’s the one on the West side of the road.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Faiyum
Papyrus Location: On the upper level of the Sarapeion of Karanis in the town of Karanis.
Clue: In Faiyum, north of Dionysias Caravanserai there is a tower with a hole by its feet. It’s in need of support, so I sit behind it, but the wooden beams seem more helpful.
Solution: Head to the area marked on the map above, it’s in West Faiyum. There’s a large leaning tower here. Search the bushes near the base of the tower for the treasure.
Papyrus Location: In the Valley Market in Euhemeria
Clue: There is a place of remembrance for the unfortunate masses in North West Haueris Nome. While I res here, immobile, I cannot escape Ra’s grace, but at least every dawn I avoid him longer than the others.
Solution: Head to this area in Haueris Nome. You will notice some strangely shaped buildings, all most like tepee tents. Search the one up the highest, just in front of it is the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Herakleion Nome
Papyrus Location: The Temple of Khonsou in Herakleion Nome
Clue: In Herakleion Nome, East of the temple of Khonsou, is a village that is more water than land. Behind two houses with different problems, one whose feet are always wet, and the other who can’t cover his head, you can find me sitting under a tree.
Solution: Head to the location. Walk North West of Yw Huts. Just as the huts end there’s a solitary tree. Search at the base of the tree for the treasure.
Papyrus Location: Inside Galeno’s House in Natho.
Clue: In South Eastern Herakleion Nome you can find me beneath the tree who fancies himself king.
Solution: Head to this location. There is a very large, distinct tree, search around the base of the tree to find the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Green Mountains
Papyrus Location: North East area in Green Mountains. Inside the Oracle of Apollo
Clue: In the Green Mountains where they’re building a great aqueduct, go find its source high up in the mountains. Inside, you can find me sitting at the bottom of the lowest pool, tucked away beside two jars.
Solution: Head to the area marked on the map in Green Mountains. There is a cave that leads down into a flooded section. The entrance is marked by my marker on the map. Swim to the bottom of the cave and search near two jars in the corner. The treasure is there. The exact location is my player marker.
Papyrus Location: Asklepieon in the town of Balagrae in Green Mountains
Clue: At the bottom of the border of Paraitonion is a village of ghosts. I’m in the house of the blasphemous man, who built his house furthest from Ra, the sun god’s, dawning grace.
Solution: Head to this location in Paraitonion. There is a small cluster of ruins, like a deserted town. Up on the West edge there is a ruined house up on the cliff. Search the center of the house to find the treasure.
Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Kyrenaika
Papyrus Location: Tomb of Battos in Cyrene.
Clue: South of Cyrene, in the Green Mountains, there is a lake whose water comes from a magical stream. I’ll be at the source of that magic, where water flows from nothing.
Solution: Head to the Green Mountains region. Just to the West of a Fast Travel point on a small lake. The lake leads up to a waterfall. Climb the waterfall to the top and you will find the treasure.
Papyrus Location: Inside Apollonion of Cyrene.
Clue: In the Southwest section of the Green Mountains lives a monstrous beast with sharp tusks and tough grey skin. In his deadly arena you can find me, between the edge of the arena and where the beast sates his thirst.
Solution: This is another in the Green Mountains. Near two small lakes. There is a War Elephant location here. Head inside, you may have to kill the War Elephant. Once inside the pen there is a small lake on the West side. Search between the lake and the wall.
Papyrus Location: Inside the Temple of Zeus
Clue: North of Apollonia, I’m next to a life saver. It guides in darkness and fog, and I sit beside it under something that did not heed its warning.
Solution: Very Northern point of Kyrenaika. There is a Fast Travel point at the location. Search around the shore on the Northern side.
That’s all of them. You get a powerful Legendary Bow called Neith for your troubles. If you have any problems with our Assassins Creed Origins Papyrus Papyri Puzzle Guide, post a comment and we’ll help if we can.
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anyone else had the problem that at the end only got the quest note but not the bow?
same issue here…do you really get the neith bow? If so how i have all 25 papyri @CaptainCamper:disqus
That is how I got mine. When a Legendary Weapon drops, it drops from a pool of Legendary Weapons. Any activity that wields a Legendary Weapon has the chance to give the Neith Bow. So Papyri puzzles, taking down the bounty hunters, the daily boxes etc.
You may wanna change the article then, since youve just made me finish all 25 for an awesome purple obsidian bow …. all because it states id get a Neith Bow. Only after I did them all did I see this comment >.<
RIght some of the papyrus are up in the air and I can’t get them? Please help
When you arrive at a location that has a Papyrus Puzzle, the icon you see first is not the place the piece of Papyrus is. That’s just a general location/area. If you use Senu and scan while hovering, you can pinpoint the exact location
Ar ok thank you so much
Can’t find Just Laws Papyrus
You don’t get the Neith bow for completing this. I got a duplicate Mustapha’s blade. You get a random loot drop for every puzzle you complete. You have a chance for a Neith bow on every one, not just the last. I didn’t get it on any of them.