Assassins Creed Origins GuidesGame Guides

Assassins Creed Origins Papyrus Papyri Puzzle Guide

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide
Throughout Egypt you will discover papyrus paper with puzzles written on them. This Assassins Creed Origins Papyrus Papyri Puzzle Guide will help you solve the puzzles so you can complete the hidden objectives and reap the rewards.

The Papyri puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Origins are usually hidden within temples or important locations. They are marked on your map by a small scroll with a binding in the middle. You will encounter one very early in the game if you complete The Healer side quest. This leads you to the House of Life. Once inside the temple use your sight to locate the scroll on a table. This will be your first Papyrus Puzzle.

Below is a list of all the Papyrus Puzzles we’ve found so far and the answers.

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Siwa Region

A Long Drink

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Lake Moreotis Region

Fertile Lands

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Alexandria Region

The Stone Gaze
Deafening Silence
Divided Valley
Ray of Hope
Natures Way

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Kanopos Nome Region

Dead End

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Sapi-res Nome Region

Hieroglyph Papyrus (A New Kid In Town)
Sea of Sand

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Memphis Region

Fallen Friend
In Plain Sight
Burning Bush

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Giza Region

Stone Fungus

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Haueris Nome

Toths Secret

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Faiyum Oasis

Sobeks Rage
Just Laws

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Faiyum

Leaning Tower
The Blasphemer

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Herakleion Nome

Twin Despair
Royal Flora

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Green Mountains

Wet Work
Forsaken City

Assassins Creed Origins Papyri Puzzle Guide – Kyrenaika

Underground Currents
Dead Or Alive
Undue Haste

That’s all of them. You get a powerful Legendary Bow called Neith for your troubles. If you have any problems with our Assassins Creed Origins Papyrus Papyri Puzzle Guide, post a comment and we’ll help if we can.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


      1. That is how I got mine. When a Legendary Weapon drops, it drops from a pool of Legendary Weapons. Any activity that wields a Legendary Weapon has the chance to give the Neith Bow. So Papyri puzzles, taking down the bounty hunters, the daily boxes etc.

        1. You may wanna change the article then, since youve just made me finish all 25 for an awesome purple obsidian bow …. all because it states id get a Neith Bow. Only after I did them all did I see this comment >.<


    1. When you arrive at a location that has a Papyrus Puzzle, the icon you see first is not the place the piece of Papyrus is. That’s just a general location/area. If you use Senu and scan while hovering, you can pinpoint the exact location

  1. You don’t get the Neith bow for completing this. I got a duplicate Mustapha’s blade. You get a random loot drop for every puzzle you complete. You have a chance for a Neith bow on every one, not just the last. I didn’t get it on any of them.

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