How To Enter Cave Of Forgotten Isle In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Came across this cave in AC Odyssey? This guide will tell you How To Enter Cave Of Forgotten Isle In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey as you may find the cave while exploring the game during the very early levels. There are many caves scattered throughout Greece in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Some hide a simple group of bandits, some a deadly group of angry bears but others hide far more intriguing secrets.
The Cave of the Forgotten Isle is only a short distance North West of Megaris, a very important area during the lower levels. Which means there’s a very good chance you’ve explored the island while on-route to complete story missions. You may have also noticed a strange symbol on the map, one far more detailed and colorful than the rest. Well, avid explorer, you have stumbled upon something special indeed.
How To Enter Cave Of Forgotten Isle In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Although you may find the cave in the level 10-20 range, you won’t have any real reason to return until roughly level 40. Way down, to the Southern waters of Greece, there’s a small island. Kythera Island. This island has a mid-high range level requirement with various quests, hidden cultists and of course, puzzles to solve.
Once you are a high enough level to explore Kythera, there is a series of quests you need to complete. These quests begin with A God Among Men. You will be tasked with helping free a man that claims to be a god from a nearby stronghold, Empedokles. Do that and the side quests that follow to gain access to the Cave of the Forgotten Isle.
That’s How To Enter Cave Of Forgotten Isle In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.