How To Defeat Sekhmet In Assassins Creed Origins
Struggling with the Trial of Sekhmet? This guide will tell you How To Defeat Sekhmet In Assassins Creed Origins so you can learn the different abilities the god will throw your way, counter or avoid them, and send it packing to the after life for your reward. This fight is probably easier than defeating Anubis so if you have already cleared one God, this one shouldn’t be much of a problem for you.
As with Anubis Sekhmet has various abilities that increase in potency as you progress through various stages. The main source of damage is the large light on its chest, whenever you get the opportunity, pelt it with as many arrows as possible. The initial stage is very easy, using just two abilities. The first is a large circle of fire, which is initially marked by a dark grey outline. Make sure you are out of the circle before it sets ablaze. Following that attack Sekhment will unleash a beam of fire that tracks your location, sprint to avoid it. If you are trapped in the circle ability, you can’t do anything to avoid damage.
At the end of that phase Sekhmet will summon some level 40 enemies. Take them out with basic melee combat. This moves to the next stage. A new fire attack enters the fray, two long beams that are marked with a grey outline on the floor. They start off wide apart and come together at the end, so standing a little closer to Sekhmet makes it easier to avoid these attacks. From here it’s a simple matter of rinse and repeat.
You get a Was Scepter and an Ability Point for taking it down.