Game GuidesPokemon Arceus Guides

Investigate Croagunk Poison’s Medicinal Properties In Pokemon Legends Arceus

Croagunk’s poison could represent the future of healing Pokemon. This guide on Investigate Croagunk Poison’s Medicinal Properties In Pokemon Legends Arceus tells you everything you need to know to complete Croagunk’s unique investigation challenge required to fully complete, or 10 point, its Pokedex entry.

There are quite a few Pokemon in Arceus that have unique investigation challenges as part of their Pokedex. These are optional but they are usually an easy way to get enough points to fill the Pokedex for that Pokemon. As with all of these missions, you will first need to catch a Croagunk before this Investigation can be solved as it’s tied to Request #34 – Croagunks Curative Poison. Once you have the Request, you can complete the investigation.

Investigate Croagunk Poison’s Medicinal Properties In Pokemon Legends Arceus

This investigation becomes available once you have caught a Croagunk. Once you have caught one and progressed far enough into the story, you will find a Request for it on the board in the professors lab. Collecting the Request has the nurse ask you to deliver a Croagunk. So all you need to do is give her the Croagunk you’ve already caught and you’ll be able to complete the Request.

Completing the Request completes the investigation.

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Wood is another material you will end up needing for some requests in Pokemon Arceus. Check out this guide to find out where to find wood in Pokemon Arceus. This way you aren't looking in the wrong areas for the material.
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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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