Investigate A Chimecho Settled In A Human Home In Pokemon Legends Arceus
Chimecho has one of the more heartwarming investigation entries. This guide on Investigate A Chimecho Settled In A Human Home In Pokemon Legends Arceus will tell you everything you need to know to complete the challenge assigned as one of Chimecho’s unique Pokedex investigations.
As with all of the investigations tied to specific Pokemon challenges in your Pokedex, you must first catch a Chimecho in order to complete the challenge. This is because the challenge is tied directly to a Request, a Request that only unlocks once you have caught the Pokemon. This particular challenge is tied to the Request #85 – At Home Under The Eaves.
Investigate A Chimecho Settled In A Human Home In Pokemon Legends Arceus
As you can probably guess by the number, this Request is available towards the latter stages of the game. Once you have caught a Chimecho, one will appear at someone’s house in the village. You must have completed previous Requests, such as the Bothersome Bidoof one, as they join the village Construction Corps and help build news houses – the Chimecho appears at one of those new houses. You need to follow the main story long enough for these houses to be constructed.
Once the requirements are met Chimecho moves into someone’s porch and the Request becomes available. Simply complete the Request to finish the investigation.