Assassins Creed Origins GuidesGame Guides
Who To give The Ring To In Precious Bonds – Assassins Creed Origins
One of the many side quests in AC Origins gives you a choice. This guide will tell you Who To give The Ring To In Precious Bonds – Assassins Creed Origins so you can learn the outcome before completing the quest and make an informed decision.
This is a side quest located in Giza, one of the only side quests in this region. Although it is filled with tombs that contain great loot and even some legendary weapons.
Who To give The Ring To In Precious Bonds – Assassins Creed Origins
There are three different brothers who want the ring, each claiming they deserve it more than the other. Below is what we’ve discovered so far. If you give it to any of the brothers you toss the ring on top of the awning and they all fight for it. It then rolls off and appears to get lost in the sand.Sorry it’s not more exciting but that’s the outcome regardless of your choice.
Ubisoft have released the latest DLC for Assassin's Creed Origins. This AC Origins: Curse Of The Pharaohs Mount Guide covers all of the new mounts that have been introduced with the new update including an image of the mount and details on how to find them.
How to kill them? What do they drop? These questions and more answered in our AC Origins Curse Of The Pharaohs Shadows Of Anubis Guide - covering the difficult enemies sent forth by Anubis to take you down.
Assassins Creed Origins has challenging and rewarding new puzzles with the latest DLC. This AC Origins Curse Of The Pharaohs Myths Of The Pharaohs Guide covers the basics of the Myths of the Pharaohs puzzles without any serious spoilers.
AC Origins latest DLC introduces an awesome new outfit. This guide will tell you How To Get Serqets Carapace in Curse Of The Pharaohs AC Origins so you can be rockin' some new threads as you take on the afterlife of Egypt.
I’m gonna be honest, I kind of wanted to keep the ring for myself.