Assassins Creed Origins GuidesGame Guides

Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide – How To Kill

Assassins Creed Origins Phylaks Guide - How To Kill
Phylakes are a deadly Bounty Hunter enemy that starts to track you down. This Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide will tell you how to kill them, what they give you and what different Phylakes you can encounter on your travels.

You won’t encounter Phylakes until you reach a certain part of the main story. Once you have unlocked Hidden Blades you will be introduced to the Phylakes via an in-game prompt. It warns you that they are deadly powerful Bounty Hunter enemies that you should avoid. While this is very true, it is possible to take them down with the right equipment, a bit of patience and some skill in combat.

Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide – How To Kill

Phylakes are among the most difficult enemies you will encounter at the start of the game. The first Phylakes you meet will be around level 20 and utilize a number of heavy attacks. While seemingly difficult at first, there is a very easy technique to defeat him. Unlock the Fire Bombs skill and ensure you have full arrows. If you follow the Phylake long enough, he will eventually dismount. When on foot, simply get close and hit him with some Fire Bombs. As he begins to burn and panic, throw a few melee strikes from your mount. Don’t waste too many Fire Bombs at the same time as the burning effect does not stack.

Throw 1 or 2, follow up with arrows, repeat. It’s a pretty simply fight if you can remain mounted.

Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide – What Do You Get?

When you defeat the first Phylake you are given a Legendary Weapon and you unlock a special side quest that is level 40 – which unlocks a Legendary outfit. Check out our Legendary Weapon guide for details.

The Outsider Kill – Legendary Weapon & Side Quest
Ptolemy’s Fist Kill – Ornamented Key & Weapon
The Iron Ram Kill – Legendary Bow
The Stranger Kill – Legendary Weapon
Ra’s Mercy Kill – Ornamented Key & Legendary Weapon
The Hill Kill – Legendary Weapon
Bane of Hathor Kill – Legendary Bow
Half Horn Kill – Ornamented Key, Legendary Bow
The Galatian Kill – Legendary Bow
The Iron Bull Kill – Legendary Shield

Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide – Roster

Phylakes spawn randomly around the map as you progress through the game. Although the locations are somewhat randomized, the type of Phylakes they are and the level they have remain the same. Below is a list of the Phylakes we’ve discovered so far:

The OutsiderLevel 20
Ptolemy’s FistLevel 22
The Iron RamLevel 25
The StrangerLevel 28
Ra’s MercyLevel 30
The HillLevel 32
Bane of HathorLevel 35
Half HornLevel 38
The GalatianLevel 39
The Iron BullLevel 40

Once you have defeated all 10 you need to head to Yw Huts and complete a quest there for a Legendary Outfit.

That’s it for our Assassins Creed Origins Phylakes Guide. Big thanks to DuztCannonball for providing additional information.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. I have found 10 Phylakes (killed just 1 so far), the levels are about the same.
    The Outsider (20)
    Ptolemy’s Fist (22)
    The Iron Ram (25)
    The Stranger (28)
    Ra’s Mercy (30)
    The Hill (32)
    Bane of Hathor (35)
    Half Horn (38)
    The Iron Bull (40)
    The Galatian (40)

  2. Best way I found to kill phylakes is… be on your horse… smack them as you run by. use either a health on hit or a flaming weapon.

  3. This time through, hard mode, I’m killing them on foot. for the Outsider, you want a long weapon. Ptolemy’s Fist has a slow weapon. I used the weapon from The Outsider drop, wan’t all that tough. Iron Ram, I started with poison and got lucky. The Stranger is next on my list. No polo style kills this time in.

  4. I’ve killed five of them so far. The Stranger and Ra’s Mercy I killed with fire (fire bombs from above [I perched on a wall in Memphis] for The Stranger, fire arrows out in the open from the Smoke and Mirrors bow for Ra’s Mercy) and that was quite quick and simple. It takes a couple of shots for them to show any damage, but once they start losing health they lose it fast.

  5. The easiest way I have found to kill a Phylake is to clear a large, easy fort, like at The Pharos. Once that is done, I light the brazier myself. The first few backup soldiers I try to get rid of before the Phylake arrives. Once he gets there, I draw him up to the rampart, and I move quickly up to a low tower with a ballista. He walks slowly towards the tower, then shoot him until he dies, or you run out of ammo. If you do this correctly, it won’t matter if you run out, because his hp will be severely diminished.

  6. I can’t even take the Outsider out if the other enemies keep getting involved…keep having 10 against 1…every time I try to fight him…the soldiers ride along transporting goods and then decide to join in on the attack..fucks need to mind their own business

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