Want to know where to find the Stone Circles in Egypt? This Assassins Creed Origins Bayeks Promise Guide will tell you where to find each of the Stone Circles in each area so you can align the stars and get the side quest, Bayek’s Promise, completed.
The Stone Circles are scattered throughout all of Egypt. You won’t be able to complete this quest straight away, you’ll have to progress much further into the game. Below is a list of all the Stone Circles we’ve discovered so far, including a map of where to find them.
Depending on how you explore and what side quests you complete, it’s likely you won’t encounter these in the same order I have them written.
Assassins Creed Origins Bayeks Promise Guide
The first Stone Circle can be found to the South East of the town in Siwa.
The second Stone Circle is in the Iment Nome region. It’s North East of the fast travel point here.
Another one in Iment Nome. This one is to the West end of the area
In Qattara Depression. This one is to the West end of the area
In Ka-Khem Nome. East side of the island.
On the Western shore of Faiyum
On the Eastern edge of the Isolated Desert
On the Western edge of the Isolated Desert
On the Eastern edge of the Uab Nome region
On the Northern edge of the Uab Nome region
On the Northern edge of the White Desert Oasis region
On the North West of the Faiyum region
Once you have found all 12 of the Stone Circles in Assassin’s Creed Origins return to the first stone in Siwa to complete the quest. You can now also unlock the Legendary armor set Isu Armor.
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