Star Wars Outlaws Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens Guide
Shift Tokens provide Kay with a huge advantage during Kessel Sabacc matches in Star Wars Outlaws, unlocking unique abilities to use at the table and swing the game in her favor.
In this guide, we’ll break down each of the individual Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens, and provide all the information you need to find and unlock them all.
How To Use This Guide
Below is a list of every single Shift Token in Star Wars Outlaws. In each section, the purpose and best use of each Shift Token is explained, followed by the objectives required to unlock them.
Simply locate the Shift Token you require from the list below, and the guide will show you what they do, the best time to use them during a Kessel Sabacc match, and how you can unlock them.
Free Draw
The Free Draw Shift Token allows Kay to draw a new card without spending the fee.
Win at the Pyke Syndicate Table in Mirogana on Toshara
You can find the Pyke Kessel Sabacc table at the location shown on the map above. You will need at least “Good” standing with the Pyke Syndicate in order to reach the table and play.
You can win another Free Draw by achieving victory at the Pyke Table in Myrra on Akiva
The Refund Shift Token allows Kay to Retrieve 2 chips. This is best used during a round where you have already paid to draw 2 cards, effectively refunding the draw cost and providing them for free.
Additionally, it can be used to counter both the General Tariff and Target Tariff Shift Tokens.
Buy From A Toshara Smuggler
You can purchase another Refund Shift Token from Lalini Ledeno in Mirogana.
Extra Refund
This Shift Token allows you to retrieve 3 chips from your tax pile. Useful against aggressive players using Embezzlement and Target Tariff.
You can steal the Extra Refund Shift Token from the Hutt Cartel Vault on Tatooine
Take 1 chip from each players pot and add it to your pot. This is especially effective when opponents have low chips remaining, to stop them from drawing cards.
You can purchase this Shift Token from the Hutt Cartel Merchant in Jabba’s Palace for 162 Credits. You need Excellent Reputation with the Hutt Cartel to gain entry to the Palace.
Major Fraud
The Major Fraud Shift Token sets the Imposter value to 6 until the next reveal.
You can unlock this Shift Token by winning at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City.
Cook The Books
The Cook the Books Shift Token inverts Sabacc ranks until the next reveal. Effectively making a 6/6 Sabacc the best and a 1/1 Sabacc the worst. Great to use if you are holding a normally low scoring Sabacc hand.
You win this Shift Token by winning at the Pyke Table on Akiva, in Myrra
Markdown sets all Sylop tiles to value 0 until the next reveal, effectively destroying its use. You unlock the Markdown Shift Token by winning the match at the Pyke Cardroom.
Prime Sabacc
You can unlock this one by winning the game at the Hutt Cardroom on Mos Eisley. It’s a very powerful Shift Token, best used when you have a low scoring Sabacc, as it can turn it into the highest scoring Sabacc.
General Tariff
The General Tariff Shift Token forces all other players to pay 1 tax
You can unlock the 2nd General Tariff Shift Token by winning the game at the Pyke Cardroom.
The third and final General Tariff Shift Token is unlocked by winning at the Pyke table on Akiva
Target Tariff
The Target Tariff Shift Token allows Kay to select one other player, that player is immediately taxed 2 chips. You can unlock the 2nd one by winning at the Hutt Table in Mos Eisley on Tatooine
Hidden In A Syndicate Vault On Toshara
You can find Target Tariff Shift Token in the Pyke Syndicate Vault. There is a vent on one side of the building to get inside. You will then have to follow objective markers to track down keys. Obtain all the keys to open the vault.
General Audit
This Shift Token forces all players that are in Stand to be taxed 2 chips. This is effective against defensive players that like to pass turns to avoid spending more on additional card draw.
The General Audit Shift Token is unlocked by winning the Kessel Sabacc game at the Pyke Cardroom.
Target Audit
Choose a player in Stand. They are taxed 3 chips. This is very powerful against defensive players that stand early.
The Target Audit Shift Token can be found locked within the Vault on Kijimi. Head to the Crimson Dawn Vault and interact with the computer to get the location of all the keys. Then break into the vault.
Embargo is unlocked through victory at the Hutt Cardroom in Mos Eisley. When used, it taxes a player 3 chips. Very strong for attacking defensive players if you can cheat and see you have a better hand.
You can buy another Embargo Shift Token from Sol D’Lorak on Kijimi.
Playing the Immunity Shift Token makes you immune to all effects of Shift Tokens played by other players. This is won, part of a set of 3, from victory at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City.
You can win 1 copy of Immunity by winning at the Crimson Dawn table in Kijimi City.
You can buy the 2nd copy of Immunity from the Pyke Syndicate merchant, Karpen Miltik, on Akiva.
Choose a player. That player discards both cards and draws two new cards. This is very powerful, in almost all settings. This Shift Token can be unlocked by winning it at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City
You can unlock the 2nd copy of Exhaustion by raiding the Hutt Syndicate Vault on Akiva.
Direct Transaction
Pick a player and trade hands with them. This is a fantastic option to use in conjunction with Nix’s ability to look at other players hand, effectively guaranteeing you a win.
Jet’s Kordo Legacy Vault treasure map on Kijimi is where to find this.