Where To Find Shiny Pokemon In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Shiny Pokemon return in Sword & Shield. This guide explains Where To Find Shiny Pokemon In Pokemon Sword & Shield as the game uses much of the same mechanics from prior games. Using some hidden mechanics you can increase your chances of finding Shiny Pokemon.
It’s still very early in the life of Pokemon Sword and Shield so there’s likely some new mechanics and features relating to Shiny Pokemon that have yet to be discovered. Things like resetting shiny combos, breaking combos, there’s a lot to think about.
Where To Find Shiny Pokemon In Pokemon Sword & Shield
However, a few things we do know from datamined information. There is a combat combo and a general overall combo. You have a 1 in nearly 5000 chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon, so it’s very slim. However, you increase these chances with a Combat and Overall Combo. A combat combo is how many of that Pokemon you have defeated in a row. For example, if you are hunting for a Magikarp, every one you kill in a row counts towards a combo.If you catch a Pokemon or kill a Pokemon that isn’t the one you’re hunting, the combo resets. The overall counter is how many times you have defeated that Pokemon, total. Over your entire adventure. That doesn’t reset but it doesn’t increase your chances as much.
So basically, if you want X Pokemon to be a shiny, hunt that Pokemon over and over again. Without defeating or capturing ANY other Pokemon of any type. Shiny Pokemon are not visible on the over world, they will become Shiny at the start of battle.