Upgrading your Guerrilla Camp’s in Far Cry 6 reaps many benefits and rewards. This Far Cry 6 Construction Desk Base Upgrades Guide will answer all of your base building questions. What to build first, what do each of the buildings and upgrades do, is it worth building multiple of one type? Let’s get into it.
After you unlock the first Guerrilla Camp during the story, you can speak with the Foreman, marked by a white and green hammer icon on the map, and discuss purchasing upgrades for your base. Each upgrade is unique in the benefits it offers but depending on your personal play style, some may be a waste. After all, if you hate the fishing in Far Cry 6, why build the Fishing Hut?
- Build The Hideout Network first – The Wingsuit and vehicle spawns are invaluable
- Construct the Bandidos Barracks next – Offers great financial, material, and weapon rewards
- The rest are very situational or subjective. Read on below for more details
Far Cry 6 Construction Desk Base Upgrades Guide
The main purpose of the Hideout Network upgrade is to firstly unlock the wingsuit, it’s awesome, you need it. It also gives you the chance to purchase intel from the Chief Scout on other Hideout locations. These are fast travel points, so purchasing these can be a great way to minimize the travel time between missions and objectives. It’s a good idea to put this in your first base as it upgrades all future bases you discover.
The upgrades are as follows:
Level 1: Workbench, Los Bandidos Board, Guerrilla Scout, Defensive Turret, Buy Maps
Level 2: Add Vehicle Spawns near each hideout
Level 3: Supremo recharges on return to base, Guerrilla Supply Cache improves
Probably the most exciting of all the buildings. Once you built the Bandidos Barracks you can participate in the Los Bandidos mini-game. You send Leader characters on special missions. These are timed missions that take 1-4 hours. After that point, you check the progress of the mission and give orders on what to do. It offers unique weapons, it’s a great source of Pesos, and it can be fun. Be sure to check out our
Far Cry 6 Leader Guide to find all the Leaders or our
Los Bandidos Guide for tips and tricks.
Level 1: Basic Gear, Increase Recruit Rate
Level 2: Advanced Gear, More Recruits, Higher Chance To Succeed
Level 3: Specialist Gear, Spec Ops grants Recruits, Increased chance to succeed, recruiter bonus
The La Cantina Base Upgrade lets you use various resources and materials to make recipes. Recipes can be used to provide you with various buffs and bonuses. The value of this very much depends on how much time you take to scavenge resources, hunt animals, fish, that sort of thing. If you’re not a fan of that stuff, or if you’re playing on Story Difficulty, ignore this option.
Level 1: New Recipes
Level 2: New Recipes
Level 3: New Recipes
The Hunters Lodge is all about hunting wildlife in Far Cry 6. You can purchase Hunting Brochures from the Huntmaster, with each brochure giving you the location of various wildlife to hunt, both predatory and regular animals. You can also unlock the El Capirote Unique Bow, cause animals to flee slower, and scavenge remains from further away. When you reach maximum level of the Hunting Lodge, you can also
find Mythical Animals.
Level 1: Hunting Brochures, Animal Gear Set, El Capirote Bow, Recover Arrows, Animals Flee Less
Level 2: Predator Hunting Brochures, Ciervo Macho (hunting shotgun), Extra Meat
Level 3: Mythical Animal Brochures, El Depredador (hunting rifle), Don’t Damage Meat, Arrows do more damage
The Guerilla Garrison allows you to purchase weapons to increase the power of Guerrilla Fighters, the allies you find scattered around the map. It also spawns recon laptops near FND bases that you can use for great intel on each base. Honestly, if you’re lacking resources, this is probably the most useless building. Well armed allies mean very little and you can just as easily scout with your phone.
Level 1: Sells Basic Weapons, Guerrilla Vanguards appear on the map, Recon Laptops
Level 2: Advanced Weapons, Guerrilla Snipers appear around Yara, Advanced Recon tags VIPs
Level 3: Specialist Weapons, Guerrilla Rocketeers appear around Yara, Specialist Recon that tags Security Centers
The value of the Fishing Hut is entirely subjective. Some people love the fishing of the Far Cry games, some people hate them. If you hate the fishing, you’ll probably want to avoid this base upgrade. The Fishing Hut allows you to buy brochures that reveal specific spots to catch specific fish.
Level 1: Easy Fishing Spots revealed, Brochures, 2 Fishing Gear Set pieces
Level 2: Hard Fishing Spots revealed, more Brochures, 2 more pieces of Fishing Gear Set, can throw bait to attract fish
Level 3: Extreme Fishing Spots revealed, final piece of Fishing Gear Set, don’t damage fish meat when shooting or exploding fish
One of the best weapons in the game is called the MBP .50 and you can get it decently early if you know where go. Check out this guide to find out Where To Get Best Sniper Rifle in Far Cry 6 (MBP .50). This way you will have the edge on killing you enemies from afar.
One of the best weapons in the game is called the MBP .50 and you can get it decently early if you know where go. Check out this guide to find out Where To Get Best Sniper Rifle in Far Cry 6 (MBP .50). This way you will have the edge on killing you enemies from afar.
One of the collectibles in Far Cry 6 is called Criptograma Charts. Check out this Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chart location guide to find them all as you are going through the islands. This way you know the area and where to find the charts that you need for each chest.
Far Cry 6 features a massive open-world to explore, filled with adventure. This Far Cry 6 Walkthrough Guide Collection lists all of the Far Cry 6 guides here on Gamers Heroes so you can glance through the content and see what guides best suit your current goals in the game.
Fishing returns in Far Cry 6 and it can still be a little weird to understand how it works. Check out this guide to find out how to fish in Far Cry 6. This way you won't keep snapping your line trying to find out what went wrong.