Far Cry 6 GuidesGame Guides

How To Hijack Tanks In Far Cry 6

Want To Quickly Destroy Or Hijack Tanks? Use This Guide

Tanks are far stronger than previous Far Cry games so be sure to use this guide on How To Hijack Tanks In Far Cry 6 to dispose of them quickly and easily. Using this method you can easily either destroy a tank in a single hit, or you can hijack the tank and use it to dispose of enemy forces.

In past Far Cry games a well placed rocket was usually enough to completely disable a tank, but not in Far Cry 6. Even if you hit the weaker armor on the rear of the tank, it can still cost a few valuable explosive rounds to take it down but, there is a better way.

  • Purchase the EMP grenade upgrade for your Supremo
  • Throw the EMP grenade so the detonation reaches the tank
  • Once the tank is disabled, climb atop the tank and stand where the hatch is located
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to either destroy or hijack the tank

How To Hijack Tanks In Far Cry 6

How To Hijack Tanks In Far Cry 6
Before you’re able to instantly hijack tanks, you need to upgrade your Supremo. Head to any Workbench and select the Supremo option. This is where you can add Gadget Mods and Mods to your Supremo. Select the Gadget Mods section. You want to find the EMP Grenade. It can be expensive early on as the ingredients and resources required to upgrade your Supremo are scarce in the early hours, but it shouldn’t take too long before you can afford the upgrade.

Once you have the EMP grenade, all you need to do is hit the tank with it. Once the tank has been hit, it is completely disabled. Once the tank has been disabled you can approach without fear of getting run over or blown to oblivion. You need to climb on top of the tank and head to the hatch. When you reach the hatch you will be given two prompts. You can either destroy or hijack the tank.

If you select destroy the driver goes to exit the tank, you knock them out, steal a grenade, and toss it inside. You need to get out of the way before it explodes. If you choose to hijack the tank, you will instead take control of the tank and it’s yours.

One of the best weapons in the game is called the MBP .50 and you can get it decently early if you know where go. Check out this guide to find out Where To Get Best Sniper Rifle in Far Cry 6 (MBP .50). This way you will have the edge on killing you enemies from afar. One of the best weapons in the game is called the MBP .50 and you can get it decently early if you know where go. Check out this guide to find out Where To Get Best Sniper Rifle in Far Cry 6 (MBP .50). This way you will have the edge on killing you enemies from afar.
One of the collectibles in Far Cry 6 is called Criptograma Charts. Check out this Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chart location guide to find them all as you are going through the islands. This way you know the area and where to find the charts that you need for each chest.
Far Cry 6 features a massive open-world to explore, filled with adventure. This Far Cry 6 Walkthrough Guide Collection lists all of the Far Cry 6 guides here on Gamers Heroes so you can glance through the content and see what guides best suit your current goals in the game.
Fishing returns in Far Cry 6 and it can still be a little weird to understand how it works. Check out this guide to find out how to fish in Far Cry 6. This way you won't keep snapping your line trying to find out what went wrong.

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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