Assassins Creed Origins Daily Quest Events Guide
Assassins Creed Origins features a variety of special side quests, including daily quests. This Assassins Creed Origins Daily Quest Events Guide will run you through the basics of the daily events, where you can get your daily quest and the potential reward for completing them.
These daily quests are not available as soon as you start the game. You must progress to complete the first area. After this you will sometimes see a special quest available at Nomad’s Bazaar. This is a special store marked by a blue camel on your map. You can tell if there is a quest available as you will see the ! in the camels place, but a blue ! as opposed to the white one for normal side quests.
Once you grab the quest from Nomad’s Bazaar check your journal. All of the daily quests are timed, so if you take it late, you’ll need to rush it through. The vast majority of these quests are very basic. Kill a group of animals, assassinate a guard, grab a particular item. None of them are very challenging.
You receive a Heka Chest as a reward for each day you complete. These open instantly so it’s basically a random weapon or shield each day. So far I’ve got little of use but they sell well or can be dismantled for crafting materials.