Far Cry 6 GuidesGame Guides

Far Cry 6 Amigos Guide

Everything You Need To Know About Amigos In Far Cry 6

Amigos act as powerful pets and allies in Far Cry 6 with some impressive abilities. This Far Cry 6 Amigos Guide is the complete guide for everything you need to know about Amigos in Far Cry 6. How to summon them, how to put them away, how to level up their skills, where they can be recruited. Whether you want a deadly croc at your side or a cute puppy dog, we’ve got your back.

Far Cry 6 Amigos Guide

In Far Cry 6 Amigo’s act as companions. You can issue them basic orders. Attack, heel, go there, go away, nothing too complex. You can navigate the entire game without ever having to use one, or you can incorporate them heavily into your play, it very much depends on play style and personal choice. There’s a good variety on offer. Some, such as Oluso, will greatly aid stealth players while Guapo, the crocodile with a t-shirt, can soak up tank hits like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a good idea to unlock them all and experiment to see which you prefer to use. I’d personally suggest Oluso. When it kills an enemy the body automatically disappears, quite handy.

How To Summon & Remove Amigos

Amigos are great but ultimately, they are powered by AI. This is both helpful and sometimes deadly. You can command your Amigo to stay with a single left d-pad click, but they don’t always obey and if you leave one far behind, sometimes they will show up in the middle of a fight when you’re halfway across the world and had completely forgotten they existed. Great if you’re in a pickle, not so great if you’re trying to stealth through a section.

To summon or dismiss an Amigo, open the main menu and go to the Amigo section. Highlight the Amigo. If it’s one you currently have summoned, you can hold the appropriate button to dismiss. If it’s one you don’t have summoned, you hold the same button to summon.

  • Open the Amigos menu
  • Highlight one of the Amigos
  • If it is already summoned, hold the on-screen button to Dismiss the Amigo
  • If it’s one you’ve not got summoned, holding the same button will summon it to your side

How To Level Up Amigos

How To Level Up Amigos
Amigos all come with three unique abilities, all of which start locked. Open the Amigo screen and navigate to any Amigo and then inspect them. This will bring up the Amigo’s abilities list. Highlight each ability and it will tell you the requirement to unlock that specific ability. Some can take a while but they are all very easy to understand and unlock.

How To Get More Amigos

There are only five Amigo’s in the game, two additional ones for DLC, but the original five are all initially locked. Follow the main story until you meet Guapo, this acts as both the tutorial and introduction to the Amigo system. Once you have reached this point, you can venture out to complete other Yaran Stories to recruit more Amigos. Each is useful and unique in their own way.

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One of the collectibles in Far Cry 6 is called Criptograma Charts. Check out this Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chart location guide to find them all as you are going through the islands. This way you know the area and where to find the charts that you need for each chest.
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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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