How To Blow Up Walls In Star Wars Outlaws
Have you encountered the red, cracked walls and rocks whilst exploring? You need a certain upgrade in order to explore these areas. Check out the full guide below to learn how to blow up walls in Star Wars Outlaws.
This is a very useful ability, arguably one of the most useful in the game. The walls that can be destroyed are scattered across every planet, and some block the passage to very powerful upgrades and equipment pieces. As such, it’s a good idea to unlock this as soon as you can.
Bonus Tip
The Blaster Upgrade to blow up walls is one of three upgrades required to fully explore the game world. If you unlock all three of these upgrades as early as possible, it will save you a lot of time in the future, as you won’t need to return to locations once you have these new abilities unlocked.
After you get the Blaster Upgrade on Tatooine, we recommend heading to Akiva. Once you have completed the appropriate missions on Akiva, you will have the Fusion Cutter and the ability to travel over water on your Speeder.
You need to head to Tatooine as your first planet, once you have the freedom to explore the galaxy. When you arrive at Tatooine you will discover Intel that leads to the main story mission, The Gunsmith.
Once you have completed The Gunsmith story missions, ND-5 will contact Kay over comms and inform her that he has an upgrade available for her blaster.
Head back to your ship, the Trailblazer, and ND-5 will be waiting next to the weapons bench. Speak with him to obtain the materials and then craft the blaster upgrade.
You can now switch to this new ammo type, by holding the ammo change button, and use it to blow up walls and rocks.